There's talk of using dispersion cones to help spread weapons around the mech which adds extra missing problems, but what about using 3 cylinders instead? One cylinder for short range, one for medium and one for long. This way longer ranged weapons are more accurate mid range as they are in TT, you can spread the cylinders back out close to the mech for weapons with minimum range and you can give lb-x weapons in shotgun mode and pulse lasers tighter cylinders to represent that they are suppose to be more accurate in TT.
The short range cylinder could be enough to occasionally switch locations if you're not centered in the target area or the target is angled, medium range enough to sometimes hit the next area over even if you're centered and a long range shot aimed dead center has a small chance of hitting an arm instead. It would also give a cool effect of lasers playing across the target surface independently.
instead of a dispersion cone, how about cylinders.
Started by Ricama, Jun 25 2012 10:39 PM
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