This weekend only, from Friday November 21st 10AM PST until Monday November 24th 10AM PST, all Standing, Hanging, and Mounted Cockpit items are buy-one-get-one-free of that same type!
All you have to do is go to your 'Mech Cockpit Loadout, select the Standing, Hanging, or Mounted item of your choice, save the customization, and purchase it with MC. Then, every hour at 10 past the hour, our database will automatically add a duplicate of that purchase to your inventory. So if it doesn't show up right away, don't worry.*
We're not stopping there, though. We realize we just added some delicious new Cockpit items in the last patch, and some sweet-toothed players snapped them up right away!
So, to show some love for "early-waffle-adopters", we're enacting a program called "Retro-active Waffles".
Anyone who purchased one of the new Cockpit items (Parking Permit, Sparkling Wine Bottle, Lucky Cat, Luminglass, and Strawberry Waffles) between Tuesday November 18th 10AM PST and November 24th 10AM PST will be getting an additional identical Cockpit item free!
* If the second identical Cockpit item doesn't show up after two hours from the original purchase, please contact support with the subject heading "Missing Free Cockpit Item"