Wow, thank you Gargoyle. There are a lot of names I remember here. The nice thing is, so many of us are still working as a group:
The Bloody Clans:
Lieutenant Colonel 3578 Ice <<TBC>> (Major General ret.)
Lieutenant Colonel 2691 Dutchman*PUCK* (Colonel ret.)
Chu-sa 4341 Draco <<TBC>>
Major 5453 9 L Dean <<TBC>>
Lieutenant Colonel 3782 Necroscope (Lieutenant General ret.)
Lieutenant Colonel 5570 Skald (Lieutenant General ret.)
Lieutenant Colonel 1565 Khyron
"Lt. Colonel 3043 M&Ms Melt, PERIOD!"
Lieutenant Colonel 3932 Agent <<TBC>> (Colonel ret.)
Lieutenant Colonel 2262 BaronThudd <<TBC>> (Major General ret.)
The Bloody Clans II:
Lieutenant Colonel 4882 Phantom <<TBC>> (Colonel ret.)
Lieutenant Colonel 6581 Candyman <<TBC>> (Major General ret.)
Lieutenant Colonel 3817 Mad Dog<<TBC>> (Major General ret.)
Lieutenant Colonel 4535 Grey Fox <<TBC>> (Major General ret.)
Chu-sa 1014 Fireblade <<TBC>>
Lt. Colonel 2547 Ginter <<TBC>>|||
Lt. Colonel 6376 Bloodfang <<TBC>> (Sho-sho ret.)
Lt. Colonel 4562 Ogre<<TBC>>
Sho-sa 3428 Ug Mugsley <<TBC>> (Tai-i ret.)
The Bloody Clans III (The Clans):
Leftenant Colonel 5097 TopCat Chen <<TBC>>
Lt. Colonel 3202 Grahame <<TBC>> (Regimental Colonel ret.)
Leftenant Colonel 1275 Stavros <<TBC>> (Colonel ret.)
Leftenant Colonel 2239 Sgt. Shultz
Colonel 3312 Trag <<TBC>>
Colonel 4684 GraveSpeak (Hauptmann-General ret.)
Lieutenant Colonel 6918 Berserker <<TBC>> (Lieutenant General ret.)
Lt. Colonel 1955 Scorpion (Colonel ret.)
Leftenant Colonel 2099 dimwit (Colonel ret.)
Leftenant Colonel 2304 Pinhead<<TBC>>
Bloody Clans IV (Honorbound):
Colonel 1521 Byrd <<TBC>> (Senior Colonel ret.)
Lt. Colonel 1502 Trag
Colonel 3161 Reichwolff <<TBC>> (Kommandant-General ret.)
Chu-sa 5215 T.Stryke <<TBC>>
Lt. Colonel 2796 Beowulf <<TBC>> (Regimental Colonel ret.)
Lieutenant Colonel 2906 Hunter (Colonel ret.)
Lt. Colonel 1298 Shadow Chaser <<TBC>> (Regimental Colonel ret.)
Edited by ScorpionTBC, 07 August 2012 - 01:23 AM.