Our time zones currently vary from MST to EST. We do our main runs usually after 7:00 PM MST.
We use a 3rd party voice chat called Discord, if you are interested you can look into it by following the link below.
In Community Warfare we tour through the factions, both Clan and Inner Sphere, this allows newer players to harvest Mechbays from the different factions while offering a changing environment for everyone. We usually sign 28 day contracts allowing for a 30% Loyalty Point Bonus and a longer time for everyone to harvest Mechbays.
And here is a video in which I give a quick orientation of the Judgment Seekers.
And in the mean time here are a few videos I've created with some helpful tips and tutorials for both rookies and veterans.
If you are interested in joining the Judgment Seekers feel free to PM myself, send me a friend request on MechWarrior Online itself or request me on Discord, my name is the same across all of them.
Happy Hunting, may the muzzle flash of your guns never cease!
Edited by Arendelft, 20 February 2016 - 10:21 AM.