I am primarily talking about tabletop Battletech. Some of these trends continue into the PC title MW1-4. Some of them may continue into MWO. I am trying more for extrapolation rather than speculation.
There are a number of Weapons/Tech upgrades and options that have a strong, noticeable impact on mech design, modification, and in-game tactics. This is not necessarily a bad thing
There are a number of Weapons/Tech upgrades and options that have little noticeable impact on mech design, modification, and in-game tactics. This is not necessarily a bad thing
Not everything has to be a game-changer. Not everything has to be mostly cosmetic or personal style.
I would like to try to list the game-changers, and more importantly, see how they are balanced.
I will limit myself to the weapons/tech options listed in Ask the Devs 1
AC/20 - Forcing a piloting check to avoid being knocked down is a significant thing
Fairly well balenced imp by the weight/size/range of the weapon and ammo consideration
PPC - Unlimited Ammo, long range weapon
Balanced by minimum range - I will be interested to see how fast the projectile moves in MWO
ER PPC - Unlimited Ammo, longer range weapon
Balanced by heat
LRM 5, LRM 10, LRM 15, LRM 20 - A rare indirect fire weapon
Balanced by ammo considerations, weapon mass, and relatively low damage
Streak SRM 2 - never miss
I am eager to see how this plays out in MWO
TAG - Potentially game changing, but relies on mostly off the board factors. I will wait and see.
Jump Jets - Gets you where you want to go, a big part of making the most of everything else
XL Fusion Engines - Huge game-changers, making faster heavies and assaults viable and giving slower builds even more free tonnage for loadouts. Balanced by large C-bill cost and increased vulnerability to 3-strike-engine-death. I would not call this P2W, but I think its closer to the line than most of the other options discussed here.
Double Heat Sinks - Huge game-changers, skewing the mech design options in favor of energy weapons. (Imagine an upgrade that fired your missiles twice as fast or doubled your ammo per ton for AC 20)
I think the XL Engines are more powerful than this, but there is the concern that 2XHS have little inherent balance.
The cost increase is trivial. At lower numbers of use, they take up little to no extra space (a certain number of heat sinks fit in the mech engine). When using many, the fact that they eat up crit-slots is largely negated by the fact that energy weapons use very few crits.
I would be interested in other's thoughts.