If you could stop players from TKing their Disconnected teammates (Most of whom log back in to find themselves dead and don't know how..), that'd be nice. I've seen 5 instances of Tking Disco's in the last four days. THe penalty for Tking is obviously not enough to stop some players from TKing their disco's, even knowing that we can now reconnect. I've been on the receiving end of this when I disco and come back to find a team member in a Dire picking off my limbs for the points. FIX THIS by making penalties for killing or de-limbing allies higher, or making it impossible to kill Disco's but make it so that the game recognizes a disco when all other allies are dead and give the win to the enemy team.
Or make it so that blowing off ally body parts and equipment penalizes the offending player with an additional hit to their earned XP, or, better yet, give them ZERO points of any kind for the entire match if they TK deliberately (Say, doing a high amount of damage to an ally, so that accidental, low-damage output TK's aren't penalized).
Now that we can reconnect to a match, there is ZERO excuse for allowing TK's.

Disco Tk'ing Needs To Be Stopped
Started by TheTriforceKid, Dec 05 2014 09:25 AM
3 replies to this topic
Posted 05 December 2014 - 09:25 AM
Posted 05 December 2014 - 09:33 AM
If that happens, report it. TKing (and deliberate FF) are bannable offenses.
Nobody picking apart friendlies are "getting points" for it - you don't score damage done or component destruction, or anything else for friendly fire. Only ultimately a 10k cbill penalty for a teamkill.
But report these people, so they can be dealt with. If you can't be bothered to report it, then don't complain about it.
Nobody picking apart friendlies are "getting points" for it - you don't score damage done or component destruction, or anything else for friendly fire. Only ultimately a 10k cbill penalty for a teamkill.
But report these people, so they can be dealt with. If you can't be bothered to report it, then don't complain about it.
Posted 05 December 2014 - 09:45 AM
This wouldn't happen if DCs or AFKs were considered dead if they are the last ones left...
Posted 05 December 2014 - 09:59 AM
What's needed is an ingame reporting function common in all games
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