Voip And How To Handle Harassment.
Posted 10 December 2014 - 02:15 PM
But this is just one of many community features that MWO does not have. I never understood why there is no lobby or ladders either. My conclusion was that PGI just wants solo players. But if that is a good business decision for a multiplayer game?
Posted 10 December 2014 - 02:29 PM
Vassago Rain, on 07 December 2014 - 06:03 AM, said:
You ever used voice that doesn't have a mute button? Me neither.
I haven't seen an ingame chat without a ignore/squelch button since like CS 1.4, but here we are
Posted 10 December 2014 - 02:49 PM
I think we're going to go through a period where a lot of people will be driven off team games by what the humans can do with no social consequences. It's fun to play with friends. It's not fun to lose them, because of gamer behavior.
Posted 11 December 2014 - 01:10 AM
Johnny Z, on 10 December 2014 - 12:08 PM, said:
I'll do. I always do when the threads I start, die off.
I post comments IMO worth summing-up, against and in favour of the motion,
Edited by Gattsus, 11 December 2014 - 01:11 AM.
Posted 11 December 2014 - 01:26 AM
I came from DDO where voice chat is an integral part of the game.
There are ranters in DDO and the way it is dealt with is using a "blocking" system that mutes them and prevents them sending you private messages.
Posted 11 December 2014 - 01:52 AM
Posted 11 December 2014 - 02:15 AM
Posted 11 December 2014 - 02:17 AM
Also: muuuuuuuuuuuute buuuuuuuttoooooooooooon!
Posted 11 December 2014 - 03:19 AM
and the game should have a seperate voip ignore list allwoing you to permanently block voip of specific palyers.
also ad a shortcutable button to generally disable anyones voip. somethiems you want evertyhign to be quite to focus on the match, hear other mechs steps and such.
Also generally mute anyone who is dead. people constantly trying to explain the last guy what to do may be superannoying. probably only the dead lancecommanders and teamcommanders should be able to speak form the halls of the dead,
Edited by Lily from animove, 11 December 2014 - 03:22 AM.
Posted 28 December 2014 - 09:41 PM
Most of the "mute button works" were skipped as there were several stating the same idea.
Edited by Gattsus, 28 December 2014 - 09:46 PM.
Posted 28 December 2014 - 10:19 PM
I think this game will only suffer from it, unless it is implemented very carefully.
However, if it were to be implemented, it would absolutely have to have the following features:
1. Ability to mute and block individual players, and keep blocked players on a persistent list so that you don't have to block them every time you get teamed up with them in a new match.
2. Ability to turn it off completely in preferences.
3. It would have to be for your team and lance only; no global match VOIP.
4. Furthermore, to cut back on incessant chatter, I'd suggest that only team commanders would be able to send transmissions to everyone on the team. Players would only be able to send transmissions to their lancemates and the team commander. Basically, this would give the team commander a more important role in communication.
Posted 28 December 2014 - 11:08 PM
I do not play on consoles, so my experience with the trash talk there is limited, but the concept of tracking how often someone is getting muted and acting on it, is very nice.
PS. Because we are used to voice since the times of BattleCom, I still have to see a PC game implementing a build in voice com people actually use.
Posted 29 December 2014 - 04:02 AM
Gattsus, on 07 December 2014 - 10:20 AM, said:
Rules clearly written and enforced for everyone. In voips case just watch NGNG videos. They get away with murder as it is right now violating team treason in many matches. With a mob you will have your elite who can push boundaries at will.
Everything you hear on teamspeak you will hear in ingame voip. no better or worse. The usual spammers and trolls are muted out as they will be in ingame. If they cross the line hand them a 3 day ban.
I tend to keep my mouth shut in voip because of my training and being a radio amateur. What I type I won't say in many instances. Its a mission tool unlike chat which is basically useless as such if you consider time sensitive commands.
Its easy to say "keep the chatter down" and those who cannot get muted and those who cross the line per the rules see bans heading their way.
Its not rocket science like the against crowd wants you to believe.
Posted 29 December 2014 - 05:30 AM
I only drop in solo matches, one match at a time, with no intention or time for a long gaming session in mwo. For that one or two matches I play now and then, I would love to have in-game VOIP. I'm not going to log on to a TS server just to find a group for one or two matches.
Additionally, I think people who would keep VOIP completely turned off should have a little flag over their head so the enemy team knows that they're a true lonewolf hardcore mechwarrior who can take on the entire enemy team alone, and thus someone to be feared and avoided.
Posted 29 December 2014 - 05:38 AM
Ursh, on 29 December 2014 - 05:30 AM, said:
I only drop in solo matches, one match at a time, with no intention or time for a long gaming session in mwo. For that one or two matches I play now and then, I would love to have in-game VOIP. I'm not going to log on to a TS server just to find a group for one or two matches.
Additionally, I think people who would keep VOIP completely turned off should have a little flag over their head so the enemy team knows that they're a true lonewolf hardcore mechwarrior who can take on the entire enemy team alone, and thus someone to be feared and avoided.
Agreed. Gotta love those lone wolfs who have faction tags. Seems they all do.
Genuine much?
Posted 29 December 2014 - 05:58 AM
a mute button
ez report feature
7day long voip bans
Plus a comedy voice for those banned for 1month
In general an UI indicator in their name for anyone whose had a ban for any reason (they have this in Payday2 for exploiters/cheaters)
Posted 06 January 2015 - 06:18 PM
Posted 06 January 2015 - 06:41 PM
No one is forcing you to you use it (that is what OPTION means), you can still use whatever the **** you want. It is a quality of life change for a game that requires coordination. Why would you restrict everyone to resort to third party programs just to use basic communication? Because you THINK everyone will spam and therefore why bother? Da faq?
Please play other games and see how easy it is to control what you hear. (learn2settings) Or don't and pls let the game die
Posted 06 January 2015 - 06:51 PM
Gattsus, on 07 December 2014 - 05:56 AM, said:
Some ideas how to handle harassment:
About toxicity in gaming communities:
Rouken: Just add a mute button for players (bonus points if it remember which players to mute) and an option to turn the whole thing off.
Gatts: The thing is, and I fear you missed the point in their argument, that when someone clicks mute, that's a single person saying: I don't like what I hear. When statistics are used, and implemented they way they mention, it means that there is a community trying to make a point, which is quite different.
- The rules for "auto mute" are known to everyone, and that the offender understands why he is auto-muted.
- Auto-mute will spare others from hearing the harasser.
- The final and most important point, is that the harasser will know that such behaviour is not welcomed in the game and hopefully it will make the player change. I think that the last point about changing a player behaviour is the most difficult one, but if it was easy, we wouldn´t have harassers and trolls in videogames.
Then again I'm from an older generation where most harassment was looked upon as "Smack Talk".
SirLANsalot "Smack Talk" is normal and is applied to your opponents. Whenever you make an epic kill or making it out of a 4v1 with a red CT and still take down a 5th, that is grounds to talk some smack to your opposition showing off you 1337 skills. That is fine and is good for /all chat (which is sad to see gone).
Harassment/toxicity is when someone does something bad on your team and you hound them about it over and over again. That is what the mute button is for! League of Legends.
If they add voice chat to MWO, or they put it on steam so you can use steam's voice chat, then old men everywhere will be yelling in chat when they see ultimate golden battlemasters with triple SRM2s and a single ER PPC.
Vassago Rain: That's how life works. You mute people who mic spam, and everybody else is of very little concern.
Social justice warriors like extra credits, who portray themselves as talking down to their audience from above a podium, are the ones who truly need to be muted and ignored.
MoonUnitBeta If people talking in MWO’s chat is any indication to how they’re going to talk in voice chat, you can guarantee that I’m turning it off, as with most people. I know a few people that have zero tolerance for any of the examples I’ve listed above. I don’t need lip smackers and big talkers telling me that I suck, or hearing some exasperated sigh because he died, or a spectator trying to talk me through my life problems. I’ve encountered more worse experiences with voice chat than I have good ones, and that’s just listening both in-game and 3
And what about new players? They’re already talked down in typed chat, can you image when you give the right people the power to ACTUALLY CONTROL THE NEW PLAYER THROUGH HIS EARS?! Those back seat drivers are ganna have a hay day on those poor new people, “back up! Do this! Do that! No! Yes! Kill him! Get his CT! His CT! Shoot his CT! OMG! His CT not his leg! CT!!!” ho-lee-sheet. Give me a break. No thank you. Not even once man.
Oh man lol… I hope you really don’t see barking at people how to play the game in any chat medium as CONSTRUCTIVE. You’ve seen my examples… those aren’t constructive. Sometimes, you don’t need criticism any more, and you just play how you want to play. Some games I just take flight and do w/e I want, but then I get people breathing down my neck because I’m not going to B4 to snipe that one mech that’s cored. Just leave me alone. It’s 5 vs 1 and all I have is a small laser.
Everyone plays differently. Everyone learns at a different pace.
Heckling players for not playing how YOU play is not behaviour I’m about to endorse. Sorry.
“Don’t like it? Turn it off.”
Yeah great argument. Pretty ironic if you ask me. Something that's supposed to encourage team play, suddenly becomes redudant. Don't be surprised by the amount of people that'll take you up on that.
VOIP is a niche feature at best. It's either a big success or a complete failure. You people think that it's the best feature in the world but you'll be back asking for more when it flops or doesn't completely do the job that you think it'll do.
Dimento Graven I believe that as long as in-game VOIP is implemented properly, the ability to mute individuals, opt-out, and individual user volume control, it WOULD be a good boon for the MWO gaming community as a whole. Also, for the MOST PART I believe that the players would be adult about their conduct and mic etiquette, and those that aren't, I refer you back to my 'implemented properly' statement.
Gauvan What is being called for is too complicated. Mute works. Why do we need to be able to report peoples harassment if we can just mute them and prevent the harassment from ever happening?
I would think it's because the person who acts inappropriately in voice chat is going to act inappropriately in general. I don't think a high mute count is enough in itself to give someone the boot from the game but I think it's a great red flag for PGI to take a look at a player's overall activity.
"Smack Talk" is normal and is applied to your opponents. Whenever you make an epic kill or making it out of a 4v1 with a red CT and still take down a 5th, that is grounds to talk some smack to your opposition showing off you 1337 skills. That is fine and is good for /all chat
You feel it is normal but I don't think that it is a universal. As far as I know the majority of competitive events people engage in value good sportsmanship. This should be more the case in online competitions because in online communications you lose a lot of the context of face-to-face communications. In MWO you are basically in a big room full of strangers of all ages, sexes, and nationalities. I'd suggest starting off courteous and only loosen up with people who know you well enough to understand your ribbing.
How can someone you cant see or hear say anything bother you?
Because MWO is a product with a potential audience of all ages, sexes, and nationalities. If the problem of verbally abusive players is seen as the problem of the end user, and not the community (and PGI), then you essentially are permitting a hostile and uninclusive culture to exist. I would argue that is bad for the community.
If in-game VOIP is ever implemented then use it at your own risk and/or mute people if you don't like them, it's that simple.
Pjwned We don't need special rules for delicate snowflakes.
RalphVargr One of the criteria for my "new game to play" search was solo play suitability.
I think we're going to go through a period where a lot of people will be driven off team games by what the humans can do with no social consequences. It's fun to play with friends. It's not fun to lose them, because of gamer behavior.
Talis Thunder Having played Counter Strike:GS (which has in-game VOIP) for over a year, I'd say just give me an option to turn the VOIP off. I have no interest in listening to the trash talk and the yelling from idiotic kids.
Or just don't add VOIP to MWO and get TS with people you actually like. Waste of effort to put it in MWO.
Posted 06 January 2015 - 06:58 PM
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