nitra, on 09 December 2014 - 10:50 PM, said:
trust me your not on a island , just trying to illuminate the mindset of some of those assault pilots who always seem to come up at the very end of battle full health and wreak havoc on the remains of the enemy team ..
thought it might be quite funny. hope it was worth least a chuckle.
Every single time there be an assault leftover (or even multiple guys), those guys always get destroyed within the next minute since they are so huge. A light can take out so much of the enemy if skilled, same as a Medium. Heavies and Assaults get destroyed in the back end quickly. I've tried that and ended up getting my core pierced from yellow to instant death (the shut down ambush at base).
Cookiemonter669, on 10 December 2014 - 07:13 AM, said:
Why the hell would i tank when corner peek-a-boo and similar tactics in pug games will get me 800-1000 damage and multiple kills.That,in my opinion helps a lot more the team than dying gloriously with sub 300 damage.
And for a reference,i pilot fast assaults,mainly laserboat-Battlemasters.
And i pilot them like glass cannons,deal with it.
Im sick and tired finding myself alone in the enemy spearhead riding the heat line and desperately fending off 2-3 lights.
Fast assaults don't need to tank, I'm directing towards mostly assaults that are designed to tank. Those assaults made to push, capable of taking the blunt and sending it back. If you were in an Awesome, that is a terrible idea to tank, but in an Atlas or a King Crab, then you have the maximum amount of armor in the front. Don't stand at 1000 m and snipe people with AC20s. Awesomes are designed to slug it out at range, not in close range. Similar to most Battlemasters.
xeromynd, on 10 December 2014 - 07:54 AM, said:
I'd like to remind everyone that there are people (like me) who received the King Crab reward for pre-ordering a pack of which the highest tier mech isn't (or wasn't until yesterday ) released yet, and have NEVER played large 90-100 Ton Assault mechs before. We pre-ordered the highest tier pack not for the top level (Assault) mechs, but because we wanted to support the game. Thus: we now have a KCG and are thinking "welp, might as well see what it's made of."
So far, the matches I've been in have had a pleasant leniency and understanding that many new pilots are just trying the KCG because they got it for free, which is good. But I've had a select few matches where we were told to PUSH or tank damage, when three of the four KCG's had never even played Assaults before, followed by disparaging comments etc...
I must also add that if you tell your Assaults to push up, and don't have any intention of backing them up in any way (be it from the front, or from lights in the rear) you're a bit of a scumbag.
I wrote this post to tell all the fellow new guys in KGCs and don't quite have experience with them. I would like to see more people take their roles and what they should be attempting at least. Even if the assault doesn't make it then at least he tried. And definitely support pushing assaults. I once pushed told everyone to push yet I went in myself and took 6 people in a row before dying. Not a single guy supported me and therefore we actually lost.
Kraven Kor, on 10 December 2014 - 07:45 AM, said:
The problem is that the guy in front dies.
Assault mech or no, you turn the corner to face 4-6 enemy mechs and be the meat shield, you die in a hail of lasers and missiles and autocannon shells. Usually while those same "timid" players all try and take advantage of your moment of suicidal bravery and get some shots in.
True story.
What is supposed to happen, in my opinion, is your assault mechs and heavies should form a front line and take turns drawing a bit of fire and backing off - spreading the enemy's damage around. Alternately, and usually more effective, you all push at once and give them too many targets.
Both are hard to manage in a PUG match.
If it was anything but an assault in front he dies sooner than later. An assault can take a lot of damage. Agreed with the last part that frontliners should spread damage upon each other and not lose too much per man, exactly what I stated.
If nobody was in the front... then everyone in the middle ground is the front. If no one is in the middle... then everyone is in the back areas (bases capping etc), which turns to the front. Therefore if you are there in the back then you are completely screwed. Someone will end up in the frontlines.
Remember, my main point is that if you are a brawling guy, then go towards the front. Be a team player. Don't slack behind unless you are designed for that (LRM boating or sniping).
Edited by luxebo, 10 December 2014 - 02:19 PM.