sub2000, on 21 March 2017 - 01:18 AM, said:
But ,I am sure as any typical casual PUG player does, I find the most irritating a common matching against fully packed well experienced unites. I drop regularly against UN2 and 21(something) unites and we end being getting killed in our re-spawn areas.
Beside loosing my time it kills any opportunity to learn maps or whatever: tactics, shoulder feel, etc. Such games kill any desire to continue playing FW.
I do request to stop matching groups against pugs in FW. Making limit 6 or pr. even less member group and fill the rest by call of arms, and put bigger groups in group queues. I am fine with waiting longer if in the end I will get normal equal matches.
At present situation the only acceptable action I see is to disconnect before game even starts or to eject all mechs if the map gives time to do so. I see no fun in being a farm animal.
PLEASE stop matching groups against pugs in FW. You are killing most promising mode of the game doing so.
I know people in normal unites have equally sized frustration getting matched against boring pugs.
P.S. Idiots rambling about "learn to play", "find a good unite" etc. get a life. MWO is the game with very decent gameplay and amazing community (I love playing and learn a lot during "american" hours), but it is just a game. Nothing more.
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