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Community Warfare Feature Suggestion Thread

Gameplay Balance

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#1 Katotonic


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Posted 11 December 2014 - 08:57 PM

Community warfare is here! Generally the ideas and priciples are great but it does have some problems. I have seen many different threads with feature suggestions or changes but have not seen anywhere trying to gather them all (hence this thread).

Please no ranting, raging or complaining here, only feature changes or suggestions (and why your idea is a good one and possible ways to implement) to make it better!

Note 1: I am not advocating any suggestions except my own which I will post here. That said, I will attempt to re-post others suggestions (good, bad, weird, whatever as long as it is a constructive suggestion) as I find and see them on the forums. If a suggestion is made and you feel it could be better or is not practical for whatever reason please feel free to comment but don't hijack the thread!

Note 2: As I am re-posting peoples suggestion from other threads please note that if the idea is already added here I will not re-post it.

Admin if you like the idea of this thread please sticky.

Edit: added "note 1" and "note 2"

Edited by Katotonic, 12 December 2014 - 06:47 AM.

#2 Katotonic


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Posted 11 December 2014 - 09:04 PM

Suggestion: Next availble battle selection option as wait times are sometimes difficult/really long.

Implemented as multiple options:

next available (attack or defend, any you are eligible for)
next available (attack or defend, your faction only)
next available (attack, any you are eligible for)
next available (defend, any you are eligible for)
next available (attack, your faction only)
next available (defend, your faction only)

This way you can support IS or clans as a whole or just your specific faction.

#3 Popper100


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Posted 11 December 2014 - 09:06 PM

Quick view card for drop deck mechs off to the right of the lobby, for double checking loadouts.

#4 Katotonic


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Posted 11 December 2014 - 09:17 PM

Going to try and pull in suggestions made by others as I find/see them.

Alex Warden Wolf suggests: faction chat within the faction tab. (My addition: make this possible but with the ability to opt out)

Edited by Katotonic, 11 December 2014 - 09:18 PM.

#5 Andi Nagasia

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Posted 11 December 2014 - 09:18 PM

i have a Topic like this,
(Small Things Cw Really Needs!)
in General Discussion,

View PostAndi Nagasia, on 11 December 2014 - 06:51 PM, said:

1) Planetary Operations Number(Number of Active Pilots on Planet)
when you click on a Planet in its Info tab you should see the number of pilots,
attacking and defending, this i feel will help with deciding where you want to drop,
as well as ease drop times, as you can see how many Pilots are fighting or Waiting,

2) Back Button(on the Planet Info Tab)
when you click on a Planet the only button is Attack/Defend,
if its not up for such then no button is shown, you must click the X to back out,
i feel a simple Back Button, would help the Flow of how you Navigate the Map,

3) CW MechLab(wail Waiting for a Match)
when you are waiting, and the MM is working to place you,
you should be able to Customize your Mechs wailing to Join a team,
this would allow for something to do wail waiting the long start up times,

4) Planet info(Displaying more Info)
though you can tell if your Wolf on Bear boarder, your attacker will be bear,
it should still display in the Planetary info tab that Clan Bear is attacking,
this will create more immersion as you will feel your being mobilized,
in response to this great threat, making it feel like a Military Sim,

#6 JHackworth


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Posted 11 December 2014 - 09:18 PM


#7 DEN_Ninja


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Posted 11 December 2014 - 09:20 PM

Can we get a daily log of which planets changed hands against who? Having to sort through the planets individually is painful.

#8 Katotonic


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Posted 11 December 2014 - 09:22 PM

Big C suggests:

Posted Today, 12:15 AM
Trying CW for the first time, quite confusing, though now the ceasefire timer si up i have options, however I saw no description of what the ceasefuire timer even ment.

Thus Dear PGI, I have some suggestions in addition to make things easier for a casual

1- I do not think it would be too hard to add a small tutoral video on how CW works, and how to play it. I also think you should be able to have a preset saved dropshop configuration or two, so you do not have to edit it each time you join.

2- Mouse over and a pop up description should be present on most options. My gaming website was built to make things simple for the players

3- To the right of the attack or defend symbol, a listing of x /12 players are in queue for a particular battle, it would make it MUCH easier to see where to join to fight. Think looking for a counterstrike sever to play on, join one near full.

4- A easy to see faction chat would be nice on the lower right to coordinate with other players.

5- Under play now you should have an option of PLAY NOW for community warfare for your faction, would be a quick way to get into a match

Thanks for the CW content let's hope it gets polished quickly

#9 Big C


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Posted 11 December 2014 - 09:22 PM

1- I do not think it would be too hard to add a small tutoral video on how CW works, and how to play it. I also think you should be able to have a preset saved dropshop configuration or two, so you do not have to edit it each time you join.

2- Mouse over and a pop up description should be present on most options. My gaming website was built to make things simple for the players

3- To the right of the attack or defend symbol, a listing of x /12 players are in queue for a particular battle, it would make it MUCH easier to see where to join to fight. Think looking for a counterstrike sever to play on, join one near full.

4- A easy to see faction chat would be nice on the lower right to coordinate with other players.

5- Under play now you should have an option of PLAY NOW for community warfare for your faction, would be a quick way to get into a match

#10 Docta Pain


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Posted 11 December 2014 - 09:36 PM

There needs to be a "Planetary Que" similar to the weigh class que that shows "Planet X : 80%, Planet Y: 55%" showing which planets are ACTULLY ACTIVE. shouting on purpose.

#11 Karamarka


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Posted 11 December 2014 - 10:25 PM

When you press tab and you see the two teams

The Blue flag symbol should be your faction

and the Red Flag symbol should be their faction

instead of just blue/red

Than you would know its

CGB vs Davion, even if they have 6 mercs.

#12 Brody319


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Posted 11 December 2014 - 10:43 PM

Give the Attacking team a Giant dropship. The big spherey kind, arm it with 24 PPCs that should stop spawn camping!
Just have it land, and drop mechs at set times.

#13 Big C


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Posted 11 December 2014 - 11:05 PM

ALso you shoudl ebv abel to see see how many are queued on the enemy team, so you know how close you are to getting some action

#14 Katotonic


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Posted 12 December 2014 - 05:55 AM

Turbokoks suggests:

[color=#959595]First I'd like to say thank you for CW! I played it several hours and had a lot of fun! the maps are cool and the gamemode is great so far! But while I was waiting for a match (which was like the halo master chief collection on release: way to Long but totally worth it ;D) I thought of some things I'd love to see or think need to be changed![/color]

[color=#959595]1. On the new Caustic Map (don't know the Name) the defenders spawn locations are out in the open and with a good push by the attackers at Gamma or Alpha you get face melted if everybody of the living defenders are behind cover and you are the only one Standing/spawning in the open...so I think it Needs to be changed! and that leads me to my 2. Point...[/color]

[color=#959595]2. Dropships for defenders?!: they've got weapons and can deal damage at really far distances, even as a Defender... imho it's a bit to op .. for a flying spaceship, or something like that, that makes sense, but they are not meant to defend the Station..... so why not move the spawn of the defenders to an Underground Hangar (which looks cooler than the wall in the dropship... like the rebellbase on Hoth in star wars for example... and for each map individual so you now by the hangar on which map/planet you are!) where you start facing one or two of your lancemates on the other side of the room and while spawning you start getting up with a lift! I mean as a Defender you should already be on the planet while the enemy starts the attack, right? and if the defense is too weak without the dropships you can still place 1 or 2 Towers there (maybe only activating while the lift gets up to support/cover the new mech). Even the tonnage restrictions of dropships would still be ok because u needed to get there with some kind of limited transport right? soo going to 3.[/color]

[color=#959595]3. Tonnage limits: I'd like to see the tonnage limit to be lifted to at least 260. I am better with heavy mechs than with lights.. but currently I don't have many mediums and lights and I am terribly bad with them! ... which is why I have to save weight on choosing my heavy.. even if its only 250.. that would be great. too much isn't good because then it would be only heavy and assault mechs and that shouldn't happen because of the people with light mechs would be screwed.. but just a thiny bit should be ok.[/color]

[color=#959595]4. the generator heath: I think the health of the cannon generator (omega) needs to be increased or needs additional armour or shields... been in a few games where the enemy team just tried to run trough the defensive team and shoot at the generator completely ignoring all other mechs.. deploying an artillery/air strike and then die ... and repeat .... and even lights could deal a good amount of damage on the main generator... and I think no one would build the generator of a high value target out in the open easy to hit with air strikes or artillery! So they should at least have some amour plating above, which first needs to destroyed somehow before getting damage from strikes! And a bit more health so that rushing lights ignoring rest of the world are not an option anymore or at least not being so easy to win that way... I know it's a good tactic now and with a coordinated team I'd do that too.. but I don't think that it should be like this![/color]

[color=#959595]so guys, what do think about my suggestions and do you have some ideas for an even greater experience? [/color]

#15 Katotonic


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Posted 12 December 2014 - 06:00 AM

View Postpadebra, on 12 December 2014 - 05:03 AM, said:

I tried 2 Community Warfare maps yesterday (cold one and hot one) and it was great. The asymetrical game mode is what I was looking for.

I really hope future maps will give more strategic options and help build more tension. The way to go seems to be always the same on both map.

Here are my concerns
- Attackers can't really use surprise
- Defenders don't have to split to much to cover gates

Maps looks like MOBA maps, with lanes and turrets. What would give more depth would be maps like Counter-strikes maps : Shock points appart, multiple routes with various covers. fight for middle map control.

Why no map with a base in the middle of a city or on top of a plateau. Why only convinient cliffs, lonely stairs to shoot above the gate then various small covers until the core?

When I play on the current maps, I feel like I have to play the way you intend it and no other way. "TO THE GATE!!!!!". Let me feel smart please ;)

Am I the only one to feel this way?

Anyway, this looks promissing for the futur. Keep the good work
(sorry for the bad english)

View PostFelix7007, on 12 December 2014 - 05:55 AM, said:

Why are there gates and generators?At the beginning of he match, the defenders jus sit and wait for the attacker to pick a gate to come through. There are not tactics involved. Attackers have to do this weird contortion to look over the gate to hit the generators. Remember, it is the attacking team's objective to hit the generators and the defending team's to defend it. Its not good placement if the gate is so high that the defending team can't see the attacking team and the attacking team cant see the generators. The only intuitive thing you can do here is the same as finding your way out of a paper bag. Once the gates are open, he game turns into a MOBA like league of legends. You are fighting down a hallway. You only tactics are, which hallways, how may, how fast. There is no flanking, remember, hallway. Therefore the best and only tactic you can use is rushing and nothing intuitive. The best possible attack I everyone pushing through one gat strait to the base and the best defense is everyone sitting n the base waiting.

What should be implemented:

Currently it is laid out from the defender point of view, Base, spawn point, generators, gates, enemy team. It should be base, gates, generators, spawn pint directly in front of gates then the enemy team. Or just get rid of gates and generators and have a base with defenses. It was a real letdown for my unit t see it the way it is. Most of my unit ha been waiting a long time for this moment and were happy but let don at the current design and signed off way early last night.

#16 TurboColin


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Posted 12 December 2014 - 06:05 AM

thanks for posting my suggestions already ;) good idea to gather them all!

I read several times that defenders are spawn camping attackers... how did the defenders got out so far?

how about 2 gunships covering the attackers spawnarea permanently until they get a certain amount of damage s they have to leave?

#17 Katotonic


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Posted 12 December 2014 - 06:08 AM

View PostItsacon, on 12 December 2014 - 12:56 AM, said:


First of all: Great work on getting CW started!

I have a suggestion: The current dropship system causes a problem: In our group (and I imagine this goes for most corps), many players have a designated role: Some are scouts, some are assault pilots, etc. Most light pilots couldn't pilot an assault if their life depended on it, while most assault pilots spend most of their time in a light mech running into walls. Exceptions exist, but are rare.

The current dropship system screws that up. The light pilot ends up with at least an Atlas worth of free tonnage (which he's never going to use) and can't even bring anything smaller than a Jenner unless he want to run a medium for one game, while the Assault pilot can just barely squeeze in two mechs, and then has to sit the rest of the game out in Locusts (And while the Locust can be an impressive mech in the hands of a skilled pilot, with an Assault pilot at the wheel it generally turns into target practice). And that's just assuming the Assault pilot even owns those light mechs.

So my proposal: If a premade group joins a community warfare match, their dropship tonnage is shared between all players, like in a private lobby.

Example: Say a 4-man group (Lucas, Mike, Hans and Anton) joins a match. Together, they can bring 4x240 = 960 tons. Lucas brings 2 Spiders and 2 Jenners, Mike brings 2 Hunchbacks, a Centurion and a Shadowhawk, Hans brings a Catapult, 2 Jagers and a Cataphract and Anton brings an Awesome, a Victor and 2 Atlai.

That makes 130 + 205 + 265 + 360 = 960 tons. Each can pilot the mechs he's good at, but the game is still balanced by tonnage.


#18 jackal404


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Posted 12 December 2014 - 06:10 AM

The biggest frustration I have at the moment is my drop deck keeps resetting to all the trial mechs while I am editing it.

Yes, I know I'm over weight - give me some time to adjust which mechs I want to take. Do not reset the deck after what feels like 5 seconds just because of this.

In fact, don't reset the deck at all - there is a reset button. Just don't allow me to save an invalid deck.


#19 Jetfire


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Posted 12 December 2014 - 06:11 AM

- Open map without the gates, but with heavier base fortifications. Gauss turrets with power stations that power them.

Attacker dropships:
-Sphere drop ships that land OR simply increase the linger time of the dropship to clear the LZ before dropping.

-Trick or Treat style salvage awards. Include consumables, modules, ammo, weapons and Mechs with decreasing odds.
-Custom patterns/decals for certain rank levels
-Custom unit decals via submission

-More small turrets surrounding the cannon, about double the current placements.

Group Launch:
-Allow the commander to simply drop the group without the join, ready, accept, ready system.

#20 Madcat9246


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Posted 12 December 2014 - 06:12 AM

Okay so here is my suggestion. There needs to be some way that the I.S. can use clan mechs. When I first got into CW I immediately signed a contract with Davion, as that is my favorite faction. But then I was surprised to see that I wasn't allowed to use my all time favorite mech, the Madcat!

(If there is a way to do this then I am an idiot and can someone tell me what it is please?)

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