Please no ranting, raging or complaining here, only feature changes or suggestions (and why your idea is a good one and possible ways to implement) to make it better!
Note 1: I am not advocating any suggestions except my own which I will post here. That said, I will attempt to re-post others suggestions (good, bad, weird, whatever as long as it is a constructive suggestion) as I find and see them on the forums. If a suggestion is made and you feel it could be better or is not practical for whatever reason please feel free to comment but don't hijack the thread!
Note 2: As I am re-posting peoples suggestion from other threads please note that if the idea is already added here I will not re-post it.
Admin if you like the idea of this thread please sticky.
Edit: added "note 1" and "note 2"
Edited by Katotonic, 12 December 2014 - 06:47 AM.