Walluh, on 13 December 2014 - 02:14 PM, said:
I weep for the misguided Wolves under Vlad.
To put it simply, Nicholas saved the Clans from themselves, but undid everything his father tried to accomplish with the Exodus. I can't say he was misguided because he was trying to stave off a civil war far deadlier than anything the IS endured which was the last thing his father wanted. Desperate times call for desperate measures.
Return to the Inner Sphere is impossible for us. Our heritage and our convictions are different from those we left behind. The greed of the five Great Houses and the Council Lords is a disease that can only be burned away by the passing of decades, even centuries. And though the fighting may seem to slow, or even cease, it will erupt again as long as there are powerful men to covet one another's wealth. We shall live apart, conserving all the good of the Star League and ridding ourselves of the bad, so that when we return — and return we shall — our shining moral character will be as much our shield as our BattleMechs and fighters.
The irony is, the Clans misinterpretted this and initiated what amounted to another Amaris coup, which made all of the invading Clans the bad guys by default. Keresnky never planned to return and subjugate and rule by tyranny. He believed in democracy and the fact that the only legitimacy rested on the House Lords electing a new First Star Lord. That was the whole point of the Succession Wars, and the reason for the Exodus. He never wanted the SLDF materials and personnel used to fight against the IS (as per all 5 House and the SLDF sourcebooks)
Warden and Crusader get tossed around a lot, but the only real Wardens by definition were Wolf's Dragoons, Wolf in Exile, and units like the Eridani Light Horse who upheld their SLDF traditions. While there might be shades of gray, that's exactly how it is in black and white and that's canon.
When push comes to shove, most of the RP stuff goes out the airlock pretty quick when it comes to competitive play in my experience. I haven't even seen a league allow the taking of bondsmen, batchals or initiating a Trial of Refusal after losing to another Clan. The QQ always prevails. So while the RP stuff is all well and good, it's almost always haphazard which makes it comical.
Additionally, the most fun I've had playing in MW leagues was from the crusader point of view. The IS will never accept the warden Clans in an online environment because it eventually devolves into "us vs them." That's already happening in CW, but that's no surprise because the Wardens are once again aiming for Terra, rather than defending the Inner Sphere. This is like the 5th time I've seen this cycle repeat itself.