*** Incoming Transmission ***
***Priority OMEGA***
***Relay to: HPG Station "Fury" Draconis March: Robinson***
***From: RRB High Command: Staging area "New Syrtis"
***Subject: RE: On Loan***
***Original Message***
I, Duke Aaron Sandoval hereby loan the Elements of task force "STEEL ARROW" of the Robinson Rangers Brigade to one Duke Morgan Hasek-Davion of New Syrtis for the purpose of black ops operations behind enemy lines for the bountiful fee of 300,000,000 C-Bills + operating costs.
Happy hunting you maniacs
End of Message
To Duke Aaron Sandoval:
Initial Mission outline is as follows:
*Mission Brief - Operation "Divine Intervention" *
On December 15th, 3049 Task force "STEEL ARROW" will penetrate the Free Worlds League frontier via Wazan. From there, an already waiting fleet of "merchant" jumpships will provide the means to jump the 29 light year distance to Asuncion. We will deploy our Leopard Class Dropships Vanguard, Resolute and Unrelenting Fury Disguised as FWL Resupply and Medivac Dropships.
Upon Landing, elements from 2nd Regiment will eliminate HPG station Delta in the Valk pass 500km South of ObjectiveDish in order for the main element of Task force "STEEL ARROW" to land.
With the HPG station down, outbound comms will be eliminated. Our fleet of inbound Union Class Dropships Stalwart,Avenger, Dauntless and Intrepid Will land ground forces on the outskirts of Boreal Vault to the North and Sulfurous Rift to the Equator.
From there Operation "Divine Intervention" Will Commence
Objectives are as follows
Primary: Secure and destroy orbital guns code named "Alpha" and "Omega"
Primary: Search and destroy elements of the mercenary unit employed by House Marik "The Seraphim" aka "The Pink Chickens"
Secondary: Capture enemy mech stockpile
Secondary: if possible, secure objective "King Chicken" (outlined on the AFFS "Most Wanted" deck of holo-cards) for interrogation by Maj. Dimento Graven
End of Brief
Happy Hunting Indeed..Rangers Lead The Way
*****End Transmission******

Operation - Divine Intervention - Robinson Rangers Brigade
Started by Squidy, Dec 15 2014 03:08 PM
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