Krivvan, on 18 December 2014 - 02:58 PM, said:
I sent it, but I was mainly referring to the crowd that left a couple months ago which was when the reputation was built up (and I do believe they crossed the line). There is another crowd that left more recently (and I feel comfortable mentioning this because it's basically public now on streams) that I didn't have much issue with personally beyond a select few times. I don't find LORD ___ ggclose to be behavior that was beyond acceptable boundaries for online games and sports. I did find singling out people and belittling them in-game to be distasteful.
You know...
I will say this Krivvan...
used to respect heimdelight...
However, at this point, about the only 2 lords left I have any shred of respect for are you and Adiuvo. Adiuvo primarily because he tries his best to be diplomatic, and he seems to try to help others. You I have not seen/read enough of to actually grasp where you sit in the persona of HoL, some agree with it entirely, and others think it is a bit crass. You seem to be one of the more level headed of the group though, I will give you that.
used to have respect for Kin3ticX...that is most disappointing to me. I have no ill will toward any of you...I just think the large majority of your group may have "skillz" but no class.
That could be perception based on people who were former members, and it could be projected persona from current members, it could even be a mix of the both of them...but, I digress.
If you want to patch your image in this community, you all know what you need to do...the question is would all of you be willing to do it?
Either way...may Kerensky's blessings shadow your path. <o