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Training Mode

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#1 buckaroo


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Posted 27 June 2012 - 10:46 AM

Yes, I know - it's an MMO, single player content is for the losers.

But seriously - will there be a Mechwarrior 2 style grumpy sergeant at boot camp?

Or even some kind of single player testing mode where we can at least get used to the controls and blow up buildings and trees? (Or even - OMGCAREBEAR!!! - try out mechs and/or configs we don't own yet.)

#2 Stray Ion


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Posted 27 June 2012 - 11:10 AM

I just dug around and found my MW4 Vengeance disks. I know they are not the same game but the controls should be similar and hopefully customizable as well.

MW4 Mercinaries is free to play and would allow someone to get used to the controls again.

My only recommendation is to strip out all lasers and replace with pulse lasers. Lasers in MWOmercs now have to be held on target were as the older MW games they were burst weapons.

#3 zencynic


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Posted 27 June 2012 - 12:52 PM

My ideal Training Scenario : Mackie vs target drones :rolleyes:

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