Four giants walked through what had, until a short while ago, been Graham IV's city's market square. The pounding of their steps shaking what few windows were left in the windows of the building around them. These giants of metal scanned left and right, their gaze always looking, never ceasing, in assessment of their surroundings. At a distance one could easily mistake them for people.
But then up close, the lie of that was shown.
Some of them standing close to 20m tall, these were Battlemechs, the most powerful of mankind's creations designed for killing his fellow man. Housing weapons that could level entire city blocks, the only realistic way to stop a battlemech, was with another battlemech.
Leading this 4 man group, known as a lance, was one of the most powerful of these creations of destruction. A 85 ton Battlemaster, piloted by Captain Crimson Angel of the mercenary unit Antares Scorpions. Still scanning his surroundings, Crimson key his Mic to transmit.
"Scorpio 1, Scorpio Actual, report".
Waiting for the reply, he listened to the sound of his machines footsteps and the massive Vlar XL400 powering his mech. The sound of slight static announced the incoming message.
"Scorpio 1 reporting, all clear sir, they put a decent fight but we got em in the end"
Nodding to himself, he worked his controls to move his mech around the smoldering remains of what, until a short while ago, had been an AFFS militia centurion. His lance, consisting of a 65 ton Thunderbolt, Jagermech and a 50 ton Hunchback, closely followed behind. Crimson keyed the transmit switch,
"Damage assessment Scorpio 1"
"Not much sir, by the time they realized what was going on, it was all ready over"
"Very good Scorpio 1, link up with us at grid K7-D3, Scorpio Actual out". Easing himself back into his pilot seat, he allowed himself to relax a bit, flicking a switch on his audio control panel.
"Scorpio 2, this is Scorpio Actual, report"
"Scorpio 2 here sir, we have an enemy Victor backed into a corner here, but he is putting up a bit of a fight, could really use that Battlemaster of yours"
"Roger Scorpio 2, ETA 5 minutes for Scorpio Actual, keep him running hot". Pushing the throttle forward, he eased his mech up to 70kph, the massive engine beneath purring in response.
"Anything else to report Scorpio 2?"
"Yes sir, the enemy pilot is demanding to speak to you, he's screaming about us breaking the Steiner-Davion ceasefire", he could hear the smile in his lance commanders voice. Now that, he though to himself, was quite amusing.
"Scorpio 2, you can tell him that I will be there soon to discuss that with him, personally. Scorpio Actual out". The Anatares Scorpion Captain once again adjusted his ACP,
"Acolyte Marius how do you read"
"Read you 5 Captain" replied the Comstar member.
"Send this message to Colonel Mango on Dubhe and Lyran High Command". He allowed himself a grin before continuing,
"Inform them that Operation Snow-White is complete, will rendezvous on Dubhe in 2 months"
Edited by Crimson Angel, 24 December 2014 - 05:31 PM.