Please note - all of these bullet points are from the perspective of someone that drops in small units (IE: 2 to 4 players) or, in rarer instances, PUGs. So I'm sure I'll get flamed by 12-man groups here shortly.
- Defending Boreal Vault is too easy, whether your are an Inner Sphere or a Clan pilot. Defender has way too much of an advantage on that map.
- Defending Sulfurous Rift is a little tricker, but still easier than it probably should be.
- Attacking Boreal Vault is a pain if you're a Clan pilot and next to impossible if you are an Inner Sphere pilot with a high percentage of PUGs.
- Attacking Sulfurous Rift is fun, even in rough games. There is enough of a terrain difference in all 3 lanes to keep the variety up and matches interesting.
- There is very little to do in this asymmetric game mode. The 3 exterior generators prior to Omega helped, but it still is of the variety of "Go here, shoot this".
- The one turret on top of each gate is worthless except as a time sink and light-mech deterrent.
Mechs (Inner Sphere)
- Inner Sphere versus Inner Sphere is damn fun, and easily the highlight of Community Warfare so far. Unfortunately, most matches tend to be IS versus Clan for Kurita pilots.
- Inner Sphere mechs can kill clan mechs. In fact, they do it quite well. Unfortunately, a small-unit or PUG player is at the mercy of the matchmaker's whim.
- Inner Sphere mechs drop in various states of upgrade and loadout, which greatly affects the game's balance.
- Most Inner Sphere assault pilots appear to be terrified of clan mechs. Getting an Inner Sphere assault lance to push together with the team's mediums and heavies is next to impossible at times, and can be very costly in terms of offensive effectiveness.
- LRMs are almost worthless unless someone on your team runs a dedicated spotter/narc'er mech.
- Quirks are glorious.
- Clan Stormcrows pilots are terrified of the Inner Sphere AC20. Most Stormcrow pilots will pay a LOT of respect to the Yen Lo Wang or the Hunchback 4G. And rightly so. The AC20 with a few medium lasers is more than enough to slice through Stormcrow armor like soggy butter.
- Not so much the larger AC20 boats like the Jager and the King Crab. Those get focused immediately, reducing their threat.
- Inner Sphere laser weapons can match clan ER lasers, but not out of the box, and not on every mech. Modules and quirks are a must if an Inner Sphere pilot wants to out-snipe Clan pilots.
- Inner Sphere XL Engines are almost worthless in Community Warfare except for long-range "sniper meta" builds.
- Inner Sphere light mechs should be the workhorse of the Inner Sphere response... but most people don't use them. Which is a damn shame.
- Most Inner Sphere pilots will clamor that Clan Tech is OP (they're wrong; most clan mechs are fine, just the 3 feature overpowered mount points and/or engines).
Mechs (Clan)
Disclaimer - I have never been in a match of Clan vs Clan in CW. These points apply only to Clan vs IS matches.
- You can be very successful in Community Warfare using only Clan trial mechs
- Defending territory in CW from the Clan perspective, for the most part, is boring.
- Matchmaking times are greatly inflated when dropping as a Clan pilot in a small unit or via PUG. Inner Sphere pilot wait times seem significantly shorter.
- While people do use the Kit Fox, Hellbringer (probably because of ECM), and the occasional Adder in Community Warfare, most units will drop using the Holy Trinity of clan mechs.
- Laser vomit. Lots of it.
- Stormcrow pilots like to overheat. I think it tickles.
- It is a lot easier to move as a unit as Clan, thanks to the 80 to 99 KPH speeds of the non-swappable engines.
- Overheating poses very little threat to most clan mechs, as typically, the battle takes place over much greater ranges in Community Warfare. There is very little threat to be risked when overheating at ranges greater than 800 meters.
- Chasing Inner Sphere light mechs in a Kit Fox is infuriating.
- The Summoner doesn't suck. Even stock. Yet, no one uses it.
- The Thunderwub is terrifying when you're piloting a Timberwolf.
- Most Clan pilots will clamor that Inner Sphere tech is on par with Clan tech (they're wrong; quirks make IS tech on par, but too many IS pilots ignore them).
- Blindly charging the generators does not seem to ever work in mixed-unit drops.
- You cannot reliably solo a generator; team fast-response lances are too quick, and dropship re-deployments too frequent. But people will try anyway.
- UAVs will be used; watch for them (No one does).
- Arty strikes are far more frequent than air strikes.
- Turrets always hit your legs when you're piloting a light mech. Always.
- Community Warfare, MWO's purported "roleplaying" mode, would benefit greatly from a Stock-only queue. At that point, there would be no question that Clan mechs are overpowered - stockwise, they just are. But balance steps could be taken to make the Clan Invasion authentic to lore and balanced through gameplay.
- It is far more fun to play as an Inner Sphere pilot than a Clan pilot, as Clans seem to rarely attack one another (at least in the faction I joined as my alt). The shorter queue times for IS pilots is a very nice boon for playing the "old" mechs of the Inner Sphere. I almost feel bad for Clan-only pilots, as this long-awaited game mode, from their perspective, is just boring.
- Every side accusing the other of being Overpowered is probably a good thing - it means parity is not far away. Unfortunately, that parity is the result of something the non-forum-going community is painfully unaware of, and that's quirks. This game needs to push quirk builds fare more than it currently does, otherwise, parity will just be flashes in the pan.
- PUG or mix-unit groups will rarely ever be able to challenge 12-man groups until some form of easy communication is added to the game. Most PUG or pick-up players are not interested in joining your Teamspeak server.
- Get rid of Boreal Vault. It may have worked as a proof-of-concept beta map, but it's uninteresting, unbalanced, and the gates are way too close together for defenders to manage successful assaults with regularity. It is too easy to cover both gates at once.
- Make gates larger. Right now, mechs pilots are funneled in, making for easy pickings.