Jman5, on 23 December 2014 - 12:42 PM, said:
I feel like some people are missing the problem. People want to have fun while participating in community warfare. You can tell them to just go play the other gamemodes, but those have zero consequences from game to game. They want to make an impact on the CW map without just generator rushing or turning defense into how many legs can your team can snap off in 30 seconds.
If people want to have unadulterated "fun" in what is, in essence, the actual competitive part of the game, they are in for a rude awakening. In any game, ever. Because it is almost always the less skilled "casual" crowd that complains about the competitive scene not being "fun". This is because their "fun" has nothing at all to do with the actual point of teh game and everything to do witzh participation and looking cool.
If you think a scrimmage match against the Minnesota Vikings in your local park is going to be "fun", you`re dead wrong. It`s going to be a slaughter, and it`s very likely some of your bros will actually get seriously injured.
And then you complain it`s not "fun" this way, and explain why.
And all of the vikings say "Yeah, maybe, if you say so, but there is absolutely nothing about that in any rulebook , anywhere. I though we were playing football, not BarbieBounce? If you want your own rules, maybe you should go make your own game."
The entire situation with CW is absolutely no different. Untrained casual pugs that took a 2 year break going up against experienced units that have been slugging it out for the last 2 years in community leagues, complaining about why their not capable opf taking on an entire unit by themselves.
While actual community warfare rages, those too inept to compete on any reasonable level turn teh forums into Community Whinefare. Sounds exactly like what those of us that can and do understand CW expected to happen all along.... The units continue fighting, and the eunuchs continue whining.
Edited by Zerberus, 24 December 2014 - 03:09 AM.