Posting as a regular player here. (Note the standard font).
I thought I'd share my opinion on Community Warfare, and the one potential flaw I see in it. Right now I'm signed on with Liao. (Yes, I feel dirty) But we were defending or attempting to defend Maladar from the Davions.
Solid defense all day, and at a best guess.. the world still had 0 wins for Davion at 2 hours till the ceasefire deadline.
At that point however, 60+ Davions were in queue, and at best only 30 Liao players were visible for me.
In the next two hours, the planet was swarmed by Davion players and in the end Davion will take the planet with 12/15 Wins, 80% of the world.
I had 5 or 6 drops in that time, all of them were wins. The issue or potential flaw that I see with the system is this.. no matter how many wins you have through 22 hours in the day a swarm of active players near the end can come in and snipe a world. A lot like an ebay auction, you ignore it for 99% of the time and come in at the end with your bid.
Changing the time of the ceasefire might help a bit, but only on some days. I don't like how the system devalues wins, and supports a numbers mentality. I don't know how many of those wins today were ghost drops and base cake walks.. but I'm certain there were several.
I of course can't speak for all the liao drops today, and if the other groups were getting hammered by good premades but I believe that there were at least a few ghost wins to tip the scales.
If there is a 12 v 12 balance in a match, but no balance at the faction level.. how will any lower pop faction make any progress in the game?
I know this is beta, but I'd like to see a system that works more towards a total score over the entire day.. so everyone who contributes through the day is working towards the end goal.. not just a last minute run. I also completely understand that in a fight you'd throw those massive numbers against a smaller force to overwhelm and win.. but, in a game where its a balanced number system.. CW has no similar scale.
Increasing contracts may help bring players over, if they're willing to leave their faction. But, continually losing worlds with no hope of turning that process around will potentially push players out of the smaller factions to the larger winning factions as well.. tipping things even further.
This is not just a defense problem, but an attack one as well. If a faction fills a planet through the day, a large group can simply clear it out within the end time to counter.
So, thoughts? Opinions? Do you think this system thats in place is the best.. have you come up with something else? Share.. keep it constructive please.

Edit: I see Mentasta was wrapped up with 0 wins at the ceasefire. (Data to support the point of view.)
Edit 2.0: Davion groups that dropped on those worlds.. can you provide some input? Did you have many ghost drops? Were they all against groups? Any estimate on how many players you had online in the last couple hours?
Edited by John Wolf, 23 December 2014 - 09:04 PM.
Adding info.. twice.