Edited by R Razor, 26 December 2014 - 08:17 PM.

Is Light Zerg Rush
Started by R Razor, Dec 26 2014 07:48 PM
10 replies to this topic
Posted 26 December 2014 - 07:48 PM
Is still alive and well..........thinking CW is still too broken to be taken seriously............nobody wants to wait 15 - 30 minutes for a 5 minute game.
Posted 26 December 2014 - 09:20 PM
Did you face Clanners with their Streak SRM6 racks? Cause those are pretty good against them IS lights. Just gotta make sure you're ahead of the charge, not trying to catch up to em.
Posted 26 December 2014 - 09:39 PM
Naw this was IS vs IS, Marik violated the Holiday Ceasefire and assaulted a planet on the southern border.
Posted 26 December 2014 - 10:00 PM
R Razor, on 26 December 2014 - 09:39 PM, said:
Naw this was IS vs IS, Marik violated the Holiday Ceasefire and assaulted a planet on the southern border.
Steiner broke the Cease Fire.
But this wouldn't be the first time that Steiner propaganda was proven wrong.
Posted 26 December 2014 - 10:01 PM
Leg 'em and leave 'em.
The key to the light rush is having scouts forward, mediums/fast heavies at mid range and slower mechs in the back. As soon as you see the light rush heavies/assaults move back to objective positions (drop caller should have called them early on. E7/G6 on Boreal for example) while the lights and mediums follow them back, popping legs all the way. Done correctly you won't get more than a handful of lights getting to the generators.
What's even better is that once the light rush is stomped they've functionally wasted a wave of mechs and should be short on options. They may try another wave or, on Sulfur, an assault push. With only 3 waves left if you keep them from popping a single gen they can't go for one or even 2 objectives per rush; counting on pulling Omega completely in 1 wave is a lot to ask.
Anyway. You can beat it. Biggest problem is dropping with pugs who won't actually listen to or stick to the plan, will go off and do their own thing and by doing so absolutely shaft their entire team. 1 or 2 'i'm just farming kills for the contest' or 'Nah, I'm just going to stand up here and snipe with large lasers at 700m for the first 3 waves then end up getting spawn-camp slaughtered in my last 2 mechs because my team was perpetually a man down' sorts to functionally destroy a teams chances at a win.
We've all seen matches where if the 1 or 2 'do mah own thing' nitwits had rolled with the team and the plan we would have won but, instead, lost by a narrow margin. Defending against light rushes is a big part of that.
The key to the light rush is having scouts forward, mediums/fast heavies at mid range and slower mechs in the back. As soon as you see the light rush heavies/assaults move back to objective positions (drop caller should have called them early on. E7/G6 on Boreal for example) while the lights and mediums follow them back, popping legs all the way. Done correctly you won't get more than a handful of lights getting to the generators.
What's even better is that once the light rush is stomped they've functionally wasted a wave of mechs and should be short on options. They may try another wave or, on Sulfur, an assault push. With only 3 waves left if you keep them from popping a single gen they can't go for one or even 2 objectives per rush; counting on pulling Omega completely in 1 wave is a lot to ask.
Anyway. You can beat it. Biggest problem is dropping with pugs who won't actually listen to or stick to the plan, will go off and do their own thing and by doing so absolutely shaft their entire team. 1 or 2 'i'm just farming kills for the contest' or 'Nah, I'm just going to stand up here and snipe with large lasers at 700m for the first 3 waves then end up getting spawn-camp slaughtered in my last 2 mechs because my team was perpetually a man down' sorts to functionally destroy a teams chances at a win.
We've all seen matches where if the 1 or 2 'do mah own thing' nitwits had rolled with the team and the plan we would have won but, instead, lost by a narrow margin. Defending against light rushes is a big part of that.
Posted 26 December 2014 - 10:52 PM
Roadbeer, on 26 December 2014 - 10:00 PM, said:
Steiner broke the Cease Fire.
But this wouldn't be the first time that Steiner propaganda was proven wrong.
Steiner broke the Cease Fire.
But this wouldn't be the first time that Steiner propaganda was proven wrong.
Anybody can type up garbage and post it as proof.......means nothing...........Steiner planets are currently being attacked by Marik truce breakers........that is a fact that can be validated by viewing the map.
MischiefSC, on 26 December 2014 - 10:01 PM, said:
Leg 'em and leave 'em.
The key to the light rush is having scouts forward, mediums/fast heavies at mid range and slower mechs in the back. As soon as you see the light rush heavies/assaults move back to objective positions (drop caller should have called them early on. E7/G6 on Boreal for example) while the lights and mediums follow them back, popping legs all the way. Done correctly you won't get more than a handful of lights getting to the generators.
What's even better is that once the light rush is stomped they've functionally wasted a wave of mechs and should be short on options. They may try another wave or, on Sulfur, an assault push. With only 3 waves left if you keep them from popping a single gen they can't go for one or even 2 objectives per rush; counting on pulling Omega completely in 1 wave is a lot to ask.
Anyway. You can beat it. Biggest problem is dropping with pugs who won't actually listen to or stick to the plan, will go off and do their own thing and by doing so absolutely shaft their entire team. 1 or 2 'i'm just farming kills for the contest' or 'Nah, I'm just going to stand up here and snipe with large lasers at 700m for the first 3 waves then end up getting spawn-camp slaughtered in my last 2 mechs because my team was perpetually a man down' sorts to functionally destroy a teams chances at a win.
We've all seen matches where if the 1 or 2 'do mah own thing' nitwits had rolled with the team and the plan we would have won but, instead, lost by a narrow margin. Defending against light rushes is a big part of that.
The key to the light rush is having scouts forward, mediums/fast heavies at mid range and slower mechs in the back. As soon as you see the light rush heavies/assaults move back to objective positions (drop caller should have called them early on. E7/G6 on Boreal for example) while the lights and mediums follow them back, popping legs all the way. Done correctly you won't get more than a handful of lights getting to the generators.
What's even better is that once the light rush is stomped they've functionally wasted a wave of mechs and should be short on options. They may try another wave or, on Sulfur, an assault push. With only 3 waves left if you keep them from popping a single gen they can't go for one or even 2 objectives per rush; counting on pulling Omega completely in 1 wave is a lot to ask.
Anyway. You can beat it. Biggest problem is dropping with pugs who won't actually listen to or stick to the plan, will go off and do their own thing and by doing so absolutely shaft their entire team. 1 or 2 'i'm just farming kills for the contest' or 'Nah, I'm just going to stand up here and snipe with large lasers at 700m for the first 3 waves then end up getting spawn-camp slaughtered in my last 2 mechs because my team was perpetually a man down' sorts to functionally destroy a teams chances at a win.
We've all seen matches where if the 1 or 2 'do mah own thing' nitwits had rolled with the team and the plan we would have won but, instead, lost by a narrow margin. Defending against light rushes is a big part of that.
Yeah but that assumes you're built for that one specific tactic.........unfortunately dropping configured like that leaves you wide open to the "Double Cheeseburger" attack.........coin flip really. Either way it's all good, CW needs some serious help before it's worthy of the name, but it is fun for the most part.
Posted 26 December 2014 - 10:55 PM
R Razor, on 26 December 2014 - 10:52 PM, said:
Anybody can type up garbage and post it as proof.......means nothing...........Steiner planets are currently being attacked by Marik truce breakers........that is a fact that can be validated by viewing the map.
What side of the map is Dubhe on, Sparky?
And what day was it taken?
That's ok, I'll wait.....
Posted 26 December 2014 - 11:09 PM
R Razor, on 26 December 2014 - 10:52 PM, said:
Anybody can type up garbage and post it as proof.......means nothing...........Steiner planets are currently being attacked by Marik truce breakers........that is a fact that can be validated by viewing the map.
Yeah but that assumes you're built for that one specific tactic.........unfortunately dropping configured like that leaves you wide open to the "Double Cheeseburger" attack.........coin flip really. Either way it's all good, CW needs some serious help before it's worthy of the name, but it is fun for the most part.
Double-duty stuff. I've got an 3xAC5 + 2 or 3 LLs or ERLLs (depending on which border I'm on) which does well and most my fast mediums are set up to kill gens/turrets, which also works great on legging lights. A griffin that goes 100+, 4xSRM4A and 2MLs plus JJs and a ton of ammo will pull legs off whatever ails you pretty quickly. Similar Shawk builds are great for dual-duty as well.
The point is that you need to build your drop deck for a variety of tactics with as much overlap as possible. I may enjoy my ERLL+Gauss King Crab but he's too narrow in scope. My Firestarter may be a better killer but my Spider and its ECM has more total uses.
There's a lot of work to go on CW but it's a reasonable start and this is part of it. People who stack their builds too far one direction (like being set up for light zergs) have a tough problem in other places (defending with a stack of light mechs is almost a waste of time; a dedicated advance will devour you). Groups with a more balanced loadout will win more matches overall.
Posted 26 December 2014 - 11:24 PM
Learn from Ernesto Hoost

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