Strength, more than anything, defines the Clans: strength of character, strength of arms, strength of purpose. From warrior to common labourer, every member of each Clan works within his or her caste to benefit the entire Clan, thereby strengthen Clan society as a whole. Thriving as the Clans have in previously unknown regions of space and preparing for the tasks that lie ahead has never been an easy life; not for nothing did Aleksandr Kerensky call it "the Great Challenge." But at the end of this hard path stands a glorious vision. Forgotten by many Clans in their weakness, this vision is remembered by the Crusaders, who strive to seize the future that once belonged to all the Clans.
Through the insight of the Star Adders, the power of the Jade Falcons, the ferocity of the Smoke Jaguars, and the strength of will shared by all Crusader Clans everywhere, we Crusaders recognize the Trials still to be faced. We must yet contend with Inner Sphere treachery and the foolish opposition of the Wardens Clans to our glorious forefathers' true designs. But the hotter the forge, the keener the blade. Crusaders do not shirk from confrontation; they embrace it, and turn adversity to victory. That is the Way of the Clans, and the Crusaders' one immutable law: only the strong may lead. We are Clan Wolf Crusader, and we shall lead.
7th Battle Cluster
Edited by Naglinator, 14 December 2016 - 01:54 PM.