DaZur, on 29 December 2014 - 11:48 AM, said:
No offense War but it gets pretty flipping mind-numbing to constantly see posts from members who apparently have zero understanding of the mechanics of free--to-play and the unyielding placation by vetted members who know better.

Yes, well opinions will vary as to what is good/bad. Some free-to-play games do a good job of hiding the grind, some do a terrible job, but where that line falls for people is not going to be a static thing. I just don't like the excessive hostility this topic brings with it.
DaZur, on 29 December 2014 - 11:48 AM, said:
Is the mastering of three variants a major pain in the ass? Absolutely, without question and hesitation. It's completely unimaginative and lazy and any other derogatory qualifier you might wish to lay upon it...
That said, MW:O is a F2P entity and as such there is a necessary evil to create sticking-points to make players question which is more important to them... "time" or "money"?
Of course that is the reality of MWO and all other F2P games, but often times the more successful ones do a better job at making people want to spend money instead of making them feel forced to spend money if they want to compete.
DaZur, on 29 December 2014 - 11:48 AM, said:
So please spare me the hysterics over a smidgen
of condescension...

Hysterics? That isn't what I was going for I was just pointing out that people on both sides of this topic tend to get carried away, and I used your post as an example because it was over the top and you know it. You don't have to agree with him, but in no way did he say that he wanted "
all the mechs for
free in a matter of hours", and belittling his complaint because you are tired of the topic instead of saying why you feel differently is rather petty. Please take no offense I actually like what you have to say most of the time I just don't get the immediate go for the throat style you tend to use in this topic.
hybrid black, on 29 December 2014 - 11:59 AM, said:
hahahahahahahahaha.... 3 days hahahahahahahahaha........ 5 mill... hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
or 5 games in CW lol, maybe its not the game its you
I would like to see pics of you making 1mil per game in CW because I don't believe you.