Bishop Steiner, on 28 November 2015 - 08:58 AM, said:
Am rather aware of the details of a Kabuto. And it still is abjectly SILLY looking in Battletech, just as "mech swords" make ZERO sense, since even if the alloys were strong enough not to break (then why not make the mechs armor out of it??? And then, ya know, break more swords?) swords are singularly the worst melee weapon for actually damaging heavy armor (Well, or at least tied with "claws").
The use of Hatchets, Clubs and Maces has some logic behind it, and even chain whips I could see a small amount of use (though compared to just punching a mech, not all that great for actual damage...unless it was a ball and chain... in which case the chai would be hard pressed to endure the force of too many impacts).
Basically even though it became a "thing" during the years that FASA was desperately trying to stay in business, and the Anime boom of the 90s meant they went all yugioh, doesn't mean it was a GOOD idea. Or even remotely fit the actual game setting.
And yes, that goes for pretty much any mech that looks like it could have been featured in Power Rangers.
Anime is cool as heck and has it's place.... but Evangelions would seem awfully silly in Btech, yes? And so do Gundams and even Labors, overall. Function over flash.
Yes, battletech eventually embraced those concepts, in desperation, and later license holders kept the dreck coming.... you know in TV terms, it's called "Jumping the Shark"? And that is usually not a kind reference.
The Star Wars prequels are a "Thing" too.... doesn't mean they weren't utter crap.
The swords are probably made of the same general materials as 'Mech armor, possibly with some additional reinforcement along the edge of the blade (which I wouldn't expect to actually be sharpened).
IMO, 'Mech swords would less along the lines of the rapier (e.g. thrusting implements designed to target joints and seams) or katana/sabre (e.g. optimized slicing implements), and more along the lines of a gladius (e.g. relatively short, relatively broad blade suited for chopping).
Even if they were made of a different material, that 'Mechs aren't made of the same materials might come down to practical matters like cost (e.g. making a full armor set for a 'Mech out of the more exotic material might be prohibitively expensive) and availability (e.g. there might not be enough of it available in the environment, or making it is so time- and resource-intensive that mass-production at the rate needed to armor even a few 'Mechs - let alone, many 'Mechs - is impossible or impractical).
It's essentially the same reason why, for example, cutting wheels are diamond-coated metal discs, rather than solid discs of diamond.
Or, why MBTs aren't armored with slabs of solid diamond plating.
Still, consider that the Draconis Combine's sthick is that their overall culture
fetishizes that of Feudal Japan - it's not really that out-of-place to believe that they'd incorporate aspects of the Feudal Japanese aesthetic into their large-scale mecha (which, recall, is already a hilariously impractical concept for a weapons platform).