LordChu001, on 31 December 2014 - 07:52 AM, said:
Just as the group chat functions are still active while you are waiting in queue, I suggest that screen also have a bunch of "mini-games" or a mech shooting range players can engage in, for small amounts of c-bills or something.
Just as mechwarriors would need to kill the boredom between system jumps, in CW, we need access to items during our wait, like:
- HPG news feeds
- planet battle stats
- mech stats/info
- mech shooting gallery (with a generic mech)
- mech slots (?)
- Mech-checkers
- instead of team chat, call it a "MechWarrior bar" or "Mech-Donald's"
- a "Cockpit items gift shoppe" to browse.
Essentially, anything in-game, which will dump as soon as MM finds a match, would work.
I do not mind the wait times as much as how it locks down your session from doing anything. Alt-Esc does not give me a notification the game is on, so the suggestion is about in-game activities.
The MWO icon blinks yellow when it finally drops for me in the toolbar... so I pause the movie, tv or internet im doing to play. just lucky that works for me. But all your ideas still sound really good