You do have a point, but as i often say, lore has a fix for almost anything. The problem is, are most players willing to accept this fix?
You mention ECM. I am not familiar with every single BT rule, as i have never been lucky enough to find anyone who plays in my area (though i know some MWO italian players who do). That would, indeed, be an issue. Same for JJs and OmniPods. However, if this was a lore simulator, only some officers, some with good connections or the best warriors would get to have their 'Mech modified. Most of the 'Mechs in the lore are stock, as you know. Mechlab is fun, but i also find interesting choosing the variant/configuration that suits better my needs, and how each one has its own "soul".
For example, i played MW:LL for a while. There is no mechlab in that game, but to be honest, i rarely felt the need for one. I had my favourite 'Mechs and my favourite variants i often chose, and learning to use best what you have available can be an interesting challenge. It is even more important when making drop decks for competitive drops. I did it only a few times, but trust me, choosing each variant to fit into the drop roster based on the map and your opponent is not an easy task.
Anyway, that kind of restrictions in the mechlab are a great compromise for me. However, now that IS BattleMechs have pratically unlimited, costless, super-easy, no-risk customizability, i wonder how they are thinking to implement Clan BattleMechs, if we ever see them..
Btw, running stock builds avoids most balance issues with min-maxing, but how many would accept it?
I would totally love a system where you have to earn loyalty points or a certain rank to have access to 'Mech modifications, and they have an impact on your economy, 'Mech availability, etc.
Edited by CyclonerM, 19 February 2015 - 04:48 AM.