Our current FRR Contract is from January 1st to January 15th with the possibility of renewing the contract for 7 or 14 days after completion. If we are not renewing with the FRR, then we will likely take a 7 or 14 day Clan contract to stay sharp with Clan 'Mechs (most likely CJF to prevent conflicts with our FRR interests).
We offer both permanent and sub-contract merc options for times when we are under contract with The FRR. See below to find what suits your needs.
PERMANENT: Are you looking for a unit that offers you the ability to fight for The FRR, but occasionally takes a break to stay sharp with Clan technology? Then a permanent position within QQ Mercs may be what you are looking for.
TEMPORARY: Are you simply looking to dedicate your efforts to fighting for The FRR vs. the Clans within an organized team that is willing to take you in on a temporary contract basis? QQ Mercs offers this option as well.
Where to find us: Head over to our private TS server at ts.qqmercs.com (no password) and introduce yourself to whoever is online. Feel free to sync drop with our mercs in CW or group up in the public queue to get a feel for what it is like to fight alongside QQ Mercs.
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