Blueduck, on 03 January 2015 - 06:30 PM, said:
As an example in my unit we let randoms open the door when they are really having issues and encourage them to try again or join a unit. Is it really that rewarding to completely stomp and humiliate new and random people?
I tend not to talk in matches, other than my Magistracy of Canopus macros

, but in CW I have no sympathy for anyone ... not you, not new players, not myself. (and as someone who is average, at best, there are time when I could use the sympathy.
In CW play to win or be left for scrap. There is no excuse for playing half-assed. Save that for the random PUG drops.
Blueduck, on 03 January 2015 - 06:30 PM, said:
1) Is it really fair or fun to take snipe a team to death with nothing but ppcs
Yes. A win is a win, I don't care how it is achieved (other than cheating/hacking). If LRMs are the meta, use LRMs. If PPCs are the meta, use PPCs. If light rushing is the meta, use light rushing.
Blueduck, on 03 January 2015 - 06:30 PM, said:
2) or to counter this by doing nothing but 4 groups of 12 man stormcrow rushes?
If that's what wins that's what you should be doing.
Blueduck, on 03 January 2015 - 06:30 PM, said:
Are you really that biased or frankly unsportsmanlike to see that its fun when both sides have a fair chance to win? Do we really have to call each other names and curse at them over the forums which simply shows how insignificant and dumb we are?
Win, lose, or draw, I don't get with the name calling or the trash talking. You and I agree 100% in that; however, yes, ROFLstomping the enemy is a good thing. Being ROFLstomped sucks, but I can either lean to play better, save up for better 'Mechs, find a better team, or stick to random drops. There's no place in CW for lackadaisical fighting. It's a war simulation (sort of) not a peewee league t-ball game.
Blueduck, on 03 January 2015 - 06:30 PM, said:
Consider this, if you keep smashing people in one sided victories and humiliating new players, there isn't going to be anyone to play with. Meaning all this work you put into the game will be completely fruitless.
Again, when it comes to trash taking, we agree. When it comes to random PUG battles, we agree; however, when it comes to community warfare I couldn't disagree with you more. Community Warfare should be cutthroat and unforgiving ... especially when/if PGI puts in actual meaning for capturing and losing planets.
Blueduck, on 03 January 2015 - 06:30 PM, said:
With that, perhaps we could all try a little bit harder to think what is best for the game rather than just our win count. Try to think what will make it most fun and fair rather than just what gets us more kills.
Winning is fun. Losing sucks. Play to win. When it comes to the random, 15-minute matches, play for fun and fairness, and whatever. When it comes to community warfare, use whatever advantage you have -- win at all costs (other than cheating/hacking, of course). If that means all Ryokens, then use all Ryokens.
This is why I'm not whining about the FedRats eating up the Confederation. It's war, and they are doing what they would do. All I can do is try my best to help stop them and let the chips fall where they may.