Nerf All Clan Laser Ranges
Posted 06 January 2015 - 05:28 AM
Instead, actually design the levels better.
Instead of a long and wide open approach to the gates, add things llike destroyed bunkers or buildings. Maybe some bolders. Basically something to give the attacking force cover when approaching the gates. A range advantage is negated if the defenders don't have a clear shot till the attackers are up close.
Posted 06 January 2015 - 05:37 AM
The fact that our energy weapons produce nearly the same heat as the larger IS counterpart.
IS ER large laser = 8 heat
Cl ER Large laser = 10 heat
IS large laser = 7 heat
Cl ER Medium laser = 6 heat
IS Medium laser = 4 heat
C ER Small laser = 3 heat
IS Small laser = 2 heat
As the lasers go higher, the more noticeable the heat differences is.
The Clans use the ER lasers over the normal ones as they made the normal ones obsolete. How is an IS ER large laser better then the clan one? (taking quirks into consideration, without quirks the two weapons are very similar)
Also all clan weapons have slower fire rate, longer beam duration, etc.
I think the C ER Large laser is kinda 'okay'
I think the C ER Small laser is kinda 'okay'
I think the C ER Medium laser is to damn hot.
4 C ER Medium Lasers < 1 C Large pulse laser
The large pulse laser takes the same tonnage as 4 medium lasers BUT has higher DPS and Longer range while being colder.
This is why no one runs medium lasers on direwolfs or novas.
If you have 3 medium lasers and a few heatsinks it's more beneficial to remove 1 heatsink and put a large pulse laser there.
This is just the main complaint about the Clan laser heat.
Ontop of heat... did you know that er small, pulse small, er medium, and pulse medium have the same LINKED Ghost heat?
You can't alpha strike 2 er meds, 2 med pulse, 2 small pulse, and 3 small lasers as a clanner.
IS have only a single ghost heat chain for medium lasers.
I can go alpha strike 9 small pulse lasers or 7 medium pulse lasers without a heat pen.
8 small pulse firestarter? 7 medium pulse thunderbolt?
Both have quirks for those weapons as well...
I'm just saying... I really think clan lasers need a heat reduction and range isn't exactly the clans favour atm.
IS Gauss, ER PPC's, ER large lasers, and normal large lasers for reasons such as quirks and modules gives them an edge.
In some instances the IS out range the Clans...
If I can put IS weapons on my mechs I would do it in a heatbeat. 14 small pulse nova, 2 ER large laser, 5 medium laser Timberwolf.
The only time this wouldn't be the best option is the head laser laser I could have or other specific weapon situations.
if clans get 50% range. Okay. I do not care. As long as we get a 80% heat reduction and 20% faster fire rate I will not mind...
Also I forgot to mention a locust 1V with a single ER large laser out does a timberwolf in range/ DPS and cooling effeciency.
A single thunderbolt out does 2 awesomes or 3 warhawks in ER PPC range fighting. (and the awesome has quirks... the thunderbolt has better ones for odd reasons)
King Crab can mount duel PPC duel Gauss as effectively as a Direwolf.
Most medium mechs the IS have can take a stormcrow on equal or an advantage footing against a stormcrow. (Stormcrow only has speed going for it)
Posted 06 January 2015 - 05:39 AM
Ace Selin, on 05 January 2015 - 07:57 PM, said:
PS we need more nerf threads.

i have an better Idea ban all the IS people an put AI in there place. then they wont be anymore crying on the forums
Posted 06 January 2015 - 05:43 AM
Nightshade24, on 06 January 2015 - 05:37 AM, said:
The fact that our energy weapons produce nearly the same heat as the larger IS counterpart.
IS ER large laser = 8 heat
Cl ER Large laser = 10 heat
IS large laser = 7 heat
Cl ER Medium laser = 6 heat
IS Medium laser = 4 heat
C ER Small laser = 3 heat
IS Small laser = 2 heat
As the lasers go higher, the more noticeable the heat differences is.
The Clans use the ER lasers over the normal ones as they made the normal ones obsolete. How is an IS ER large laser better then the clan one? (taking quirks into consideration, without quirks the two weapons are very similar)
Also all clan weapons have slower fire rate, longer beam duration, etc.
I think the C ER Large laser is kinda 'okay'
I think the C ER Small laser is kinda 'okay'
I think the C ER Medium laser is to damn hot.
4 C ER Medium Lasers < 1 C Large pulse laser
The large pulse laser takes the same tonnage as 4 medium lasers BUT has higher DPS and Longer range while being colder.
This is why no one runs medium lasers on direwolfs or novas.
If you have 3 medium lasers and a few heatsinks it's more beneficial to remove 1 heatsink and put a large pulse laser there.
This is just the main complaint about the Clan laser heat.
Ontop of heat... did you know that er small, pulse small, er medium, and pulse medium have the same LINKED Ghost heat?
You can't alpha strike 2 er meds, 2 med pulse, 2 small pulse, and 3 small lasers as a clanner.
IS have only a single ghost heat chain for medium lasers.
I can go alpha strike 9 small pulse lasers or 7 medium pulse lasers without a heat pen.
8 small pulse firestarter? 7 medium pulse thunderbolt?
Both have quirks for those weapons as well...
I'm just saying... I really think clan lasers need a heat reduction and range isn't exactly the clans favour atm.
IS Gauss, ER PPC's, ER large lasers, and normal large lasers for reasons such as quirks and modules gives them an edge.
In some instances the IS out range the Clans...
If I can put IS weapons on my mechs I would do it in a heatbeat. 14 small pulse nova, 2 ER large laser, 5 medium laser Timberwolf.
The only time this wouldn't be the best option is the head laser laser I could have or other specific weapon situations.
if clans get 50% range. Okay. I do not care. As long as we get a 80% heat reduction and 20% faster fire rate I will not mind...
Also I forgot to mention a locust 1V with a single ER large laser out does a timberwolf in range/ DPS and cooling effeciency.
A single thunderbolt out does 2 awesomes or 3 warhawks in ER PPC range fighting. (and the awesome has quirks... the thunderbolt has better ones for odd reasons)
King Crab can mount duel PPC duel Gauss as effectively as a Direwolf.
Most medium mechs the IS have can take a stormcrow on equal or an advantage footing against a stormcrow. (Stormcrow only has speed going for it)
and you completely ignore beamduration.
Posted 06 January 2015 - 05:52 AM
Posted 06 January 2015 - 06:10 AM
Lily from animove, on 06 January 2015 - 05:43 AM, said:
and you completely ignore beamduration.
If you mean by it being a problem:
I thought it was obvious by now that clans have longer beam durrations.
if you mean by the buffs clan lasers should get post 'this' nerf:
Even though it sucks I actually enjoy it as it lets me do more damage on faster mechs (packet lost+ high ping on my end...)
Posted 06 January 2015 - 06:30 AM
kf envy, on 06 January 2015 - 05:39 AM, said:
The past week has been full of Clan whine threads concerning thunderbolts.
Pot, meet kettle.
However, I don't think clan lasers need any nerfs. I like that lasers are one of Clan's advantages, and with ballistics IS have a slight edge. Adds flavor.
Edited by LordBraxton, 06 January 2015 - 06:30 AM.
Posted 06 January 2015 - 08:05 AM
Posted 06 January 2015 - 11:13 AM
DONTOR, on 06 January 2015 - 08:13 AM, said:

Glad I could provide some enjoyment to you Dontor, I was going to go with an armless one legged Ice Ferret, but as it has version with CT weapons, that might be too hard for them....
Some pilots are just not meant to play MWO, or any game with out cheat codes apparently....
Posted 06 January 2015 - 12:04 PM
Posted 06 January 2015 - 12:23 PM
In fact, how about we just remove all clan weapons and armor and let them run around naked and blind? Maybe reduce internal structure to 1 hp too just to be safe.
Posted 06 January 2015 - 01:14 PM
TWIAFU, on 06 January 2015 - 05:11 AM, said:
Yes, let's do more to break with cannon.
Let's just nerf this Battletech based game into Generic Robot Battle Game Awesome Fun!
The core of battletech does not rely that heavily on its stats such that simple deviation from arbitrary values renders it lacking in all individuality, (mind you, stats made for a BV balancing system, not a straight 12 v 12).
Posted 06 January 2015 - 01:17 PM
LordMelvin, on 06 January 2015 - 12:23 PM, said:
In fact, how about we just remove all clan weapons and armor and let them run around naked and blind? Maybe reduce internal structure to 1 hp too just to be safe.
Or you know just let us be Elementals...
Thinking about it, that would actually run the risk of being rather OP.... they would be tiny and hard to hit....
Posted 06 January 2015 - 02:50 PM
Metus regem, on 06 January 2015 - 01:17 PM, said:
Or you know just let us be Elementals...
Thinking about it, that would actually run the risk of being rather OP.... they would be tiny and hard to hit....
With hitreg the way that it is, you'd pretty much have to run Streaks to hit them. It'd be hilarious though. I miss mauling mechs with an Elemental.
Locust legs. Nom nom nom!
Edited by ShadowWolf Kell, 06 January 2015 - 02:50 PM.
Posted 06 January 2015 - 02:55 PM
ShadowWolf Kell, on 06 January 2015 - 02:50 PM, said:
With hitreg the way that it is, you'd pretty much have to run Streaks to hit them. It'd be hilarious though. I miss mauling mechs with an Elemental.
Locust legs. Nom nom nom!
But just think about the tub of garlic butter for the King crab claws!
And thinking about it, they could get cover from almost anything on the maps... I mean they would be about 1/6th of the height of an Atlas....
Posted 06 January 2015 - 02:57 PM
Metus regem, on 06 January 2015 - 02:55 PM, said:
But just think about the tub of garlic butter for the King crab claws!
And thinking about it, they could get cover from almost anything on the maps... I mean they would be about 1/6th of the height of an Atlas....
Yeah but that cover is a double edged sword. Instead of getting stuck on a rock, you'd fall through the map.
Posted 06 January 2015 - 03:02 PM
ShadowWolf Kell, on 06 January 2015 - 02:57 PM, said:
Yeah but that cover is a double edged sword. Instead of getting stuck on a rock, you'd fall through the map.
True, but Elementals can jump, hence the nickname of "Toads" by the IS forces, so, I'm confidant that you could get around that issue.
Posted 06 January 2015 - 03:08 PM
Arbatrix, on 05 January 2015 - 10:09 PM, said:
I am too lazy to take a look - but I suspect that someone has created a "paintball simulator" or something.. .and that even within that game there are players complaining that one of the paintball guns does too much damage.
Posted 06 January 2015 - 03:10 PM
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