Each faction has specific mechs they favour in the lore and this is something many people would like to see reflected in the game, but how to encourage it?
I see three potential ways of deal with this. I use Jade Falcon faction mechs as an example in each of these suggestions
1. a C bill/XP bonus for using the correct mechs.
2. Quirks unlocked for using the correct mechs
Of course, some people will argue that some mechs are so bad that no amount of quirkening will save them, which leads me to:
3. Omnipods unlocked for using the correct mechs.
I think the best way to encourage use of the correct mechs across all factions would be a combination of all of these ideas, balanced on a tier basis. That is to say (for example) all mechs would receive a C Bill bonus when used by the appropriate faction, but (say) the Timber Wolf would receive a much smaller bonus than the Mist Lynx.
I use Clan based examples here, because I'm more familiar with clan lore, but Im sure these could be adapted for use by IS factions (mech variants being unlocked instead of omnipods perhaps?)
It could even be tied into the loyalty system, for example, reaching a certain loyalty unlocks each of these bonuses successively so the more players rise in rank, the more they are incentivised to use that faction's mechs.
Any thoughts, improvements or input?
Edited by Senor Cataclysmo, 09 January 2015 - 05:18 AM.