What happened:
I launched a match in a mech I'd built a custom loadout for but the loadout I had in the match was the default loadout for the mech.
What should have happened:
If I launch in a mech I have customized, it should have my custom loadout.
To reproduce:
I purchased two Jenners (Just before they went on sale too.

1: I had one of the custom jenners selected in the mechbay. JR7-K. I stripped it. Then I switched to JR7-D and stripped it.
2: Switch to Home->Inventory and sell both mechs. The JR7-K first, the JR7-D after.
3: Observe, when I sold the JR7-D, the figure in the mechbay changed from the JR7-D to my JR7-F(C) all on its own. This seemed like a guess on the systems part and I figured I'd just gotten lucky that of the mechs I had left, it picked the one I wanted to use next.
4: Launch the match without checking the loadout for the mech.
5: Surprise! I have 3 ML and 3 SL instead of 6 ML. (With default weapon groupings and no modules)
6: After the match, I check the loadout in the mechbay and sure enough, there are still 3ML in each arm just like I'd left it.
Bonus note: When I bought the JR7-F(C), it came with 6 SPL not 3ML/3SL. Not sure what was up with that but I didn't know the difference at the time. I only learned later that that wasn't the default setup.
Edited by PenguinMan98, 11 January 2015 - 12:30 PM.