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Shadowhawk 2H Build Comments?

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#1 Darian DelFord


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Posted 18 December 2014 - 07:36 AM

Not really a Medium fan, but was thinkging of taking this for PUG'ing and maybe community warfare


Thoughts? Armor I will redistribute./

#2 gordogomez


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Posted 18 December 2014 - 07:54 AM

I use this and it's a lot of fun:


#3 Crotch RockIt


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Posted 18 December 2014 - 07:56 AM

If you're willing to give up some speed, you could put in a STD 275 and use the left torso as a shield. You might also consider putting in a PPC instead of the ERPPC if it runs too hot for you.


#4 Darian DelFord


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Posted 18 December 2014 - 09:28 AM

Hmmm missed the Missile point in the head.

#5 mogs01gt


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Posted 18 December 2014 - 10:06 AM

The 2h is a bit of an odd ball. Not enough tonnage to take advantage of the 3 ballistics hardpoints and only 1 energy in the RA.
I'd rock this
SHD-2H Im not a big fan of JJ's.

Edited by mogs01gt, 18 December 2014 - 10:07 AM.

#6 Saiphas Cain


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Posted 19 December 2014 - 10:36 AM

I've been using this build on the H. Drives people up the wall. Granted, I had the XP350 lying around from that Victor thing awhile back so it didn't break the bank. I forego the head launcher and upgrade the torso 6's to artemis. It's more ammo efficient for the same tonnage and you're not zombieing anything with an XL. Hard as hell to catch, and doesn't require much facetime per salvo. The 3 MG's have garnered as many kills as the other weapons I'd reckon once armor is stripped.

#7 Porcorosso101


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Posted 01 January 2015 - 03:16 AM

My build as a brawler - 260engine as you dont need speed when your in their face, x2 6 Srms and 4srm. 1 UAC/5 and 1 small laser.

Tactic is to follow the main group, snipe a bit with uac/5 and look for slow firing laser users...then get up real close - you become a shotgun: massive DPS in one big SRM shot..many laser based mediums and some heavys cant cope with this face hugger. I get 1-3 kills a game average.

Why a normal engine: you want to last as long as possible hugging the enemy. Your ac5 also gives you ranged harrassing potential.
Weakness: You suck really badly against lights unless you can lead your SRM fire! Also dont face hug the larger assaults...
Im now looking for a hunchback which can do this same tactic.

Edited by Porcorosso101, 01 January 2015 - 03:19 AM.

#8 Void2258


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Posted 19 January 2015 - 04:48 PM

My 2H build is unusual but effective.


Edited by Void2258, 19 January 2015 - 04:48 PM.

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