Does The Battlemaster Have Broken Hitboxes?
Posted 13 January 2015 - 08:21 AM
Out of 50 games that I did die (out of 88) here are the stats:
CT front: 28
CT: back 10
RT front: 4
RT back: 2
LT front: 5
LT back; 1
One thing that bothered me is that MANY of the deaths to both CT front/back came from shots that registered on my left/right torso.
I have also experienced a handful of games where my CT was yellow(mech at 89%) and was insta killed rounding a corner from a CT death. A quick look at the damage indicator was LLs or some other random weapon from a smaller mech that could never have taken the rest of my 98 armor off.
Has anyone else experienced anything like this exclusively with Battlemasters? I am getting tired of my mech magically going from 85-95% to dead from sub par mechs and weapons.
Posted 13 January 2015 - 11:59 AM
I really wish this data was recorded in the mechs stats page. It would allow a much more informed choice on armour balancing and XL engines.
Posted 13 January 2015 - 12:02 PM
Posted 14 January 2015 - 07:03 AM
5LeafClover, on 13 January 2015 - 11:59 AM, said:
I really wish this data was recorded in the mechs stats page. It would allow a much more informed choice on armour balancing and XL engines.
Unfortunately the only record I have to log is based on the damage received, location and weapon used chart after being killed. I don't know if it is the most accurate method but it is the only means I have.
I feel as if it is relatively close, and gives at least some kind of idea as to what is going on. Front loading the armor has made a slight difference, but doing so on the LT/RT almost seems pointless based on the matches I have had thus far. I will continue to update as I play all three chassis that I currently own (including the Hellslinger).
I have found it is extremely hard to spread damage on this mech as the CT seems to be linked with about every possible angle. The Battlemaster has quickly become my most enjoyed and most loathed chassis I own.
Posted 14 January 2015 - 10:49 AM
Run a big XL in these things. The one variant is good for LRM, otherwise dont run them at all. Even the hero.
Speaking of the hero, IMO the hitbox seem to spread dmg better then the 3 variants I got with pheonix. I do not know why, but when I die in that variant, I am usually stripped of armor across the whole top of mech.
some of the CT core woes are do to loadout. the LRM boat is very hard to return fire without looking at the enemy, and the battlemaster is a wide target when you are looking right at it, meaning it is easy to aim center on. I ran triple AC2 on the one variant too before the DPS got nerfed, and that was another I had to be careful on how/who i chose to focus on as i had to face down my enemy. Running things like MPL or twin PPC allows you to shoot and duck/move, which tends to work better, and a big XL both allows internal DHS room and speed to hit and run. I find these loadouts most effective.
IMO, it is important if you want to log death blows to consider your loadout, and how much time you spend facing the enemy. My pheonix variant, for instance, I run 2 PPC waaaaay on the top mounts, and ML in the rest, no arm weapons. I use it to pop shots from mostly behind cover, and also for strafing runs, where I can shoot, and look away as I run from cover to cover. This effectively allows me to use more of the armor. my hero variant is a similar loadout. Still, between the two, the hero spreads dmg better. I am not sure if the custom geometry has anything to do with that or not.
Posted 15 January 2015 - 04:14 AM
i only use the 1S (2 ERLL, LRM25) and have only died 160 times in 291 games due to using terrain to the max - if you are ever far from cover you are using it wrong. one of my fav mechs and am always one of the last alive in lost matches
Posted 15 January 2015 - 05:05 AM
Though, I've realized that the hitbox behaviour changes with the size of your engine (and this twist speed). Whenever you're using engines closer to 300, you get your CT cored easily. Whenever you're mounting an engine bigger than 340, the sides start to tank. It's not unusual to lose an XL400 Battlemaster to side torso deaths while STD300 Battlemaster tends to get its CT cored directly.
Edited by Tahribator, 15 January 2015 - 05:10 AM.
Posted 15 January 2015 - 07:00 AM
Tahribator, on 15 January 2015 - 05:05 AM, said:
Though, I've realized that the hitbox behaviour changes with the size of your engine (and this twist speed). Whenever you're using engines closer to 300, you get your CT cored easily. Whenever you're mounting an engine bigger than 340, the sides start to tank. It's not unusual to lose an XL400 Battlemaster to side torso deaths while STD300 Battlemaster tends to get its CT cored directly.
You know this actually explains a lot about what I have experienced in my Battlemasters and I honestly never thought that the extended CT would be the culprit considering other mechs like the Stalker/Catapult/Direwolf.
Once I went into the mechbay and looked, it is totally apparent just how far the rear/front CT extend past the rest of the front/back.
Posted 15 January 2015 - 07:42 AM
I love my BLR-1G but there was something I had to learn the hard way when I was eliting the chassis: The Battlemaster is not suited to the front line assault the role. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it can't tank damage (it can) but there are assaults that are far better suited to the task.
If you are trying to tank in a Battlemaster, be very aware of the angles people have firing on you and move in such a way that you can easily take fire on those massive arms it has. For the 1G, this means never approaching head on as you can't twist enough to completely cover your CT. A shallow angle is a necessity in this case. The other variants have better twist characteristics but the same advice applies. Otherwise, I'd suggest trying to modify your role a bit to play as a second line assault. Let the King Crabs, Atlases, and Dire Wolves tank damage while you provide support. I think you'll find your performance in game significantly increases.
I know this wasn't exactly what you were asking but I felt it might be helpful nonetheless.
Edited by DustySkunk, 15 January 2015 - 07:42 AM.
Posted 16 January 2015 - 09:54 PM
As per the insta-death... no idea.
As per dying to CT on stan-engine and ST's on XL-engine... people aim differently at fast mechs... on a slow mech,they can easily target your CT and core you... on a fast one, damage spreads easier... so they focus on your lower armor ST's and hope for XL, which is a giveaway if you're a fast assault mech.
Posted 23 January 2015 - 11:20 AM
I was running around in my Jester one match. Ran up behind an Atlas to support him when he pushed out. I heard a gauss rifle go off somewhere in front of him and suddenly I was cored out rear torso from full armor.
On occasion I've taken damage from ACs and watched the internals on my paper doll flash even while my armor was still barely touched.
Posted 26 January 2015 - 07:02 AM

Posted 26 January 2015 - 07:30 AM
mogs01gt, on 26 January 2015 - 07:02 AM, said:

I don't think that's correct, but I may be wrong. I've died to side torso loss fairly often when I run an XL400. Maybe I'm just unlucky.
However, I do have a lot of luck spreading damage as well. I'd really like to see someone recheck the hitboxes.

Edited by Greenjulius, 26 January 2015 - 07:30 AM.
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