Posted 01 June 2015 - 01:50 PM
UI 3.0 is easy. First click on the interface, type in your login information then your password, type in your genetic code thus:
Then answer 12 of 76 security questions about your mothers, cousin's brothers grandmothers teacher in the third grade and input those answers in 0s and 1s, like this:
ANS1: 01001010010001101010010010010001011001001001001001010110010001001010100100101001001001001001001010010010010101001.
After you correctly do 12 then click LOG IN.
You will then be taken to a bio metric section where you will need to use the PGI eye scanner, only $999.99, to scan your eyes (yes both) as well as use a PGI voice print analyzer , only $999.00, to have login recognize you. Then you type in your password, in Pushtu, and you are well on your way to starting to pick a mech.
After navigating several hours of menus, sub-menus, backrooms, alleyways, and defeating no less than 3 Orc guards, you can answer the old man at the bridge's three questions.
Get them right and then pick your mech from the list provided, mine 126.4 cubits of steel, work on the electronic crafting career to level 64, discover atomic power as a wonder, and click, "I agree that PGI can charge me a "fee" for letting me click this box."
Your system will reboot at this time and load Linux Mint. Once Linux mint boots, go to "Don't Go Here" and format your hard disk.
What could be simpler?