Matthew Ace, on 16 January 2015 - 03:29 AM, said:
Well like I said, the numbers can be tweaked as needed. And i reiterate that i understand which angle you are coming from.
My rationale behind the current numbers for heavies and assaults is how the engine weight get much steeper at that point. The mediums and lights portion basically is an expansion of the idea, so as not to leave them out of this. And then for flexibility, this idea was conceived based on the engine so as to make heavy engine more viable than how things currently are.
the number doesn't cares because it is simply the fact that the engine 5ratins higher furfillign the "number reuirement" gets a massive buff like change, while 20ratings above, nothing happens, and 20 ratings below, also nothing happens. and further it does not influence the mech if its 80t or 100t (which is a difference of 25% mechmass).
And that is why any kind of softly distributing system is more suited. But treating an 350 engine atlas like a 350 engined awesome is somehow not feeling correct.
Firewuff, on 16 January 2015 - 05:38 AM, said:
Do you actually underatand what the 'archetype' does at all?
its officially under that name only slope movement, yet pgi gave mech categories some rather own types of agility in terms of twist speed and such, which together with engine sizes still creates some own "archtype" like behaviors.
i never udnerstood that given system at all, because a mech like an atlas, should be able by feetsize to step harsher slopes easilier than light mechs with shorter legs. and in reverse light mechs would use their speed and agility to menouver around these kind of terrain barriers.
my adder cna run up the slopes on canyon, whle an atlas may only need 2 steps to get up some of the slopes as well.
Edited by Lily from animove, 16 January 2015 - 06:50 AM.