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Return To Mechwarrior And Mwo - Some Ideas

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#1 c2ney


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Posted 17 January 2015 - 06:15 AM

Hi All,

Some of what is about to be mentioned may have already been covered off - I am a returning player to the MW series (owned and played all main MW an MC games since MW2) and I haven't played MWO for ages until I started again in Dec-14 (sinking a few £ in). I haven’t read the thousands of posts in here over the course of the years so apologies if I am duplicating anything mentioned before…

Basically here are a few ideas I have overall in no particular order:
CW - Variations on capture defend are required e.g. Escort / Protect the VIP - something a bit more mission focused like you would have done completing a contract in MW2 Mercs. This could be linked to the % of planet capture which determines what mission types you get... e.g. once you are 40% of the way to capturing a planet you might have taken all of the bases so you get city maps and once you get to 80% you get strongholds / more rebel based resistance. I don’t know but the idea of different missions and variation linked to planet capture % is one idea. This would also allow for ambush / power down tactics.

Objective Mode – New mission type I see this working as a bit like Battlefield 2/3/4 – once you have captured a point the map expands and new drops are dropped at new nav points …. This helps stop spawn killing in CW games and it could show planet attack progression e.g. Attackers could take a base then the next objective is to take a dropship down / whilst defenders have to defend.

In CW in particular (maybe even as part of MC purchase for skins) it would be good to see your chosen factions logo on your mech (or a merc one?)..

Weather – Some maps suffer chronic sniping and intel loss because the view distance is so long…. In some respects you expect some maps to be like this – just in real life – from time to time though weather could impact visibility / sensors / tactics. I want to see rain, blizzards, dust storms, destructible environments!

Info on what mech killed you when you are dead. I never can tell sometimes! I want that sense of embarrassment that a Jenner took my Atlas out.

UI – I know this is being looked at – even MW4s UI was better. Make it drag drop in the mechlab for all areas not one at a time… I hate having to cycle through all parts to see what’s on what when editing a mech. Other areas also require improvement.

Solaris Arena – Could an arena map with challenges / MC betting / Tournaments be achieved? Could be another game mode. I loved the arena maps in MW4 and the MW2 mercs Solaris Contract……

In Game recruitment /listing of factions..

Just a few ideas…. I don’t expect everyone to like them!

Keep hunting.

Edited by c2ney, 17 January 2015 - 06:22 AM.

#2 Burktross


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Posted 18 January 2015 - 11:50 AM


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