The best part is that for each player with active premium time, each other player gets +5% currency and experience up top a maximum of around an extra 100%.
This creates a nice relationship between paying and free players, where free players can appreciate paying players instead of just spite them for being "pay 2 win" or for "supporting a terrible game"
In MWO premium time offers a measly 50% bonus. Even with it grinding away to earn extra mechs is still just as slow.
I propose MWO takes up a similar scheme, boosting premium time to more than 50% and giving a stacking bonus of +2-5% to each other player. With a 2% bonus the max a free player can earn is +46% if every other player in the game is running premium. This would greatly help new players, as a dedicated Unit running premium could take them in and teach them to play while they get an increased income. With this premium time would become very valuable, making it useful for all players, even those who already have boatloads of CBILLs.
(Edit, 30-50%)
Edited by Troutmonkey, 26 January 2015 - 06:18 PM.