IMO the CW match maker needs repair as well as some design for CW. I know this is a beta and not the final design. If there are 12 attackers or Defenders qued up and waiting for PUGs to form on the other team then it is pretty much a given that the pug will lose. Unless they are on comms and very organized or the 12 man grp is not good. This is common sense. same thing happens in normal matches all day long. What are some ways to counter this? These are just ideas and some are crazy and wishful but if CW wants to be popular and survive more needs to be done.
- A lobby needs to be added to the CW. One would be for solo and one for 4man grps. 12 mans would be in a lobby as well. So matches should be more fair based on the typical group and comms.
- Matches would be only = 12man grp vs 12man grp, 3x 4man grp vs 3x 4man grp, 12 solo PUG grp vs 12 solo pug grp. Prevent exploiting the synch drops etc. If the timer runs out and you can not be matched up then you follow the current free game method but count the win as only 10% of a normal win.
- The drop deck system needs to be redone. Bring one mechs and allow it to be repaired/respawned certain number of times based on chassis type. Maybe assaults get 3 repairs or 1 respawn, Hvy gets 2 repairs 2 respawn. med 1 repair 3 respawn lights get 0 repair 4 respawns.
- Allow the defenders to attack the attackers dropship and blow it up and win. Most matches are just a matter of ok first wave take out gates and 1 -2 obj then on the last wave take out last obj. Defenders can't win unless they can kill fast the last light wave most times when I have played. They,defenders, need to be able to push the attackers back to the drop area and blow it up. Ending the attack.
- Vulnerability timers...hmmm how to make it so that all can enjoy....Maybe have two CW for NA and one for EU. Not sure how else to fix it. Have the vulnerable times based off of peak player times. Unless you like sneak attacks during the night while sleeping not sure what you can do.