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The Circle Of Life: Making Cw Relevant 24-7

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#1 wanderer


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Posted 29 January 2015 - 04:05 PM

In the beginning, CW was on 24-hour cycles. And the only times that mattered were those last few precious hours before ceasefire, as any other gains would be erased easily by an opponent.

Then, we swapped to the eight-hour models. Now, it's three separate chunks of time in which planets are lost or saved.

Still, this leaves plenty of time during which nothing happens. Most swathes of the CW map go dead, with only PUG-fighting-Clans remaining until planetary control is no longer easily erased.

How do we keep the CW map active 24-7?

Here's a proposal.

For each 8 hour cycle:

0:00-0:30 ~ Ceasefire (results from previous round being tabulated)

0:31-4:30 ~ Factions are raiding planets. The CW system chooses a friendly planet and three adjacent enemy planets for each faction with borders in contact. Raids will be smaller scale CW battles, with options to either raid enemy worlds, attack the planet from which those raids are propagated from (counterattack), or defend your worlds being raided/counterattacked.

Raids render a planet capable of being assaulted. Successful counterattacks reduce the effect of raids on all three worlds. Successful defenses negate the effects of a raid or counterattack, respectively. (for some examples in detail, see my signature- I suggest 4x3 vs. 4x3 matches). An uncontested battle during the raid stage has triple the effect- so if one faction raids but fails to protect it's staging area on the friendly planet they're raiding from, it's gains will be erased fast. If it leaves worlds to be raided, they'll fall into being assailable quickly.

4:31-5:00 ~ Ceasefire (raid/counterattack results tabulated.)

5:01-8:00 ~ Factions are assaulting planets. If a world has been raided successfully enough times (and counterattacks have not reduced that effect sufficiently), the planet with the greatest number of successful raids becomes assaulted and can be taken/defended as per current CW.

If no planet is assailable owing to insufficient success from raids, that faction remains at the "raid" stage for the remainder of the cycle until ceasefire occurs, but will be unable to assault any planets even if they succeed enough times. This can mean between any two given factions that one remains raiding while the other assaults, both remain raiding, or both can assault depending on prior results.

8:01 ~ And of course, with ceasefire planets change hands (or don't), all raid effects reset, and the cycle repeats, with adjustments made if a planet changes hands..

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