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Artemis Help

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#1 Duran Farshore


  • 8 posts

Posted 30 January 2015 - 12:33 PM


I have had a look through the forums and I cant find a detailed guide on Artemis and LoS.

If there is such a guide, then I would be grateful for a link. If not, the scenarios I am trying to figure out are:

1. I can see and target enemy. I fire missiles with Artemis. I keep target and sight for missile flight time. Missiles hit with LoS. Do I get Artemis Bonus? (I think yes)

2. I can see and target enemy. I fire missiles with Artemis. I keep target, but lose sight during missile flight time. Missiles hit with no LoS. Do I get Artemis Bonus?

3. I can not see enemy, but I can target enemy. I fire missiles with artemis. I keep target and do not get line of sight during flight time. Missiles hit with no LoS. Do I get Artemis Bonus? (I think no)

4. I can not see enemy, but I can target enemy. I fire missiles with artemis. I keep target and get line of sight during flight time. Missiles hit with LoS. Do I get Artemis Bonus?

5. I can not see enemy, but I can target enemy. I fire missiles with artemis. I keep target and get line of sight during flight time. I lose LoS before missiles hit. Missiles hit without LoS. Do I get Artemis Bonus?

6. I can see and target enemy. I fire missiles with artemis. During flight I lose both target and LoS. I then regain target and LoS. Missiles hit with LoS. Do I get Artemis Bonus?

Similarly I have questions for TAG.

When does the TAG bonus get applied? Is it when missiles are launched i.e. target is locked and tagged at time of launch? Is it when missiles hit i.e. bonus is applied provided TAG is applied wen missiles hit? Does TAG need to be applied for duration of missiles action (Launch, flight, hit) to apply bonus? Does TAG get applied provided it was on during a missile action (i.e. TAG I on during missile flight but off for launch and hit.

If anyone can explain the exact mechanics it would be very helpful.


#2 DrRedCoat


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Posted 30 January 2015 - 12:45 PM

TAG speeds up the target lock. Then it tightens missile spread when it hits so you get bonuses both during launch and impact.I believe you don't need to have it TAGed throughout flight to get the bonus on spread but it does need to be at least a second or two before impact.
I'm not sure about your other questions but you are correct on your first scenario.

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