Lynxing Out
Started by Silra, Feb 03 2015 02:15 AM
10 replies to this topic
Posted 03 February 2015 - 02:15 AM
Someone asked why do I still play Mist Lynx... and I figured I might as well answer the question in the form of a video, so enjoy!
Someone asked why do I still play Mist Lynx... and I figured I might as well answer the question in the form of a video, so enjoy!
Posted 03 February 2015 - 03:14 PM
10 Blown off mist lynx arms out of 10
Posted 04 February 2015 - 12:33 AM
Nice video. Glad someone else is doing ok in these little guys.
The Mist Lynx will never be a "meta" but I'm still doing better than average (kdr of 0.33 w/l 1.5 vs an avg 0.16 and 1.1) ok so with those stats I'm not setting the world alight but it's similar to my Jenners and better than firestarter
The Mist Lynx will never be a "meta" but I'm still doing better than average (kdr of 0.33 w/l 1.5 vs an avg 0.16 and 1.1) ok so with those stats I'm not setting the world alight but it's similar to my Jenners and better than firestarter
Posted 06 February 2015 - 10:03 AM
Oddly enough, I just came to forums to see why I'm seeing more Mist Lynx than Adders and Kit Foxes combined.
Granted, there still seems to be a correlation between team success and how many Firestarters the team has. I really want to feel like I'm not hurting the team by playing a non-Firestarter, non-Raven (and even non-Jenner) light.
Granted, there still seems to be a correlation between team success and how many Firestarters the team has. I really want to feel like I'm not hurting the team by playing a non-Firestarter, non-Raven (and even non-Jenner) light.
Posted 06 February 2015 - 10:25 AM
Nice video! Hope they give it a significant arm structure boost some day.
Posted 07 February 2015 - 07:20 PM
Okay, so I bought my first clan mech a few nights ago, and it was the Mist Lynx prime variant.
I've been having a ball, and I don't understand why there is so much hatred for this little guy.
Handles like a slow Commando, but the JJ's really help balance it out. As for being fragile and lightly armed, the only response I have is:
You can't brawl, and you aren't supposed to. Spot enemies, keep in cover, relocate frequently and nibble away at your enemies until they turn their denuded backs to you - then and only then do you place yourself in danger to make the killing blow. Always remember the gospel of the Locust:
I've been having a ball, and I don't understand why there is so much hatred for this little guy.
Handles like a slow Commando, but the JJ's really help balance it out. As for being fragile and lightly armed, the only response I have is:
You can't brawl, and you aren't supposed to. Spot enemies, keep in cover, relocate frequently and nibble away at your enemies until they turn their denuded backs to you - then and only then do you place yourself in danger to make the killing blow. Always remember the gospel of the Locust:
Edited by stealthraccoon, 07 February 2015 - 07:22 PM.
Posted 12 February 2015 - 06:31 PM
RecklessFable, on 06 February 2015 - 10:03 AM, said:
Oddly enough, I just came to forums to see why I'm seeing more Mist Lynx than Adders and Kit Foxes combined.
Granted, there still seems to be a correlation between team success and how many Firestarters the team has. I really want to feel like I'm not hurting the team by playing a non-Firestarter, non-Raven (and even non-Jenner) light.
Granted, there still seems to be a correlation between team success and how many Firestarters the team has. I really want to feel like I'm not hurting the team by playing a non-Firestarter, non-Raven (and even non-Jenner) light.
Well I will try and sum it up at least for CW:
+ less tonnage in drop deck
+ lots of JJs for sniping (imho the best role at least for boreal and canyon, sulfur not so much)
+ almost as armored as a kitfox with quirks (but ultimately less for ppc sniper build as you short armor to fit it)
- Terrible heat eff
- Few effective builds and those builds are generally inferior to IS counterparts
- Big arms that say shoot me especially right arm (where the good stuff is)
- Few hard points even less with ECM
Posted 13 February 2015 - 05:10 PM
After mastering the Raven and Cicada, I decided to get into the Mist Lynx instead of the Spider as it is a Clan mech and I yet to have one.
Not being able to make it go faster aside from speed tweak is a downer, yet the jump jets certainly make up for it. Now trying to figure out what sort of build works best for me. Like the previous two, and while I grind it to master, will be trying different weird configurations.
Clan ER Large Laser sniper with a targeting comp and without, and mini LRM boat. Would like to try Streak SRM focus, and Medium Pulse lasers.
My ideal Raven 3L is as a double ER Large Lasers sniper, and Cicada 3M as triple Medium Pulse Lasers. So will see with this mech...
Not being able to make it go faster aside from speed tweak is a downer, yet the jump jets certainly make up for it. Now trying to figure out what sort of build works best for me. Like the previous two, and while I grind it to master, will be trying different weird configurations.
Clan ER Large Laser sniper with a targeting comp and without, and mini LRM boat. Would like to try Streak SRM focus, and Medium Pulse lasers.
My ideal Raven 3L is as a double ER Large Lasers sniper, and Cicada 3M as triple Medium Pulse Lasers. So will see with this mech...
Posted 13 February 2015 - 06:48 PM
I'm having a ball in mine at present... I decided I would do the 24 challenge only in the Myst Lynx... the 2 builds so far are 2xLRM5's 3xERSL and 2xERML 2xSPL with a targetting computer.
The damage output is modest (particularly on the LRM build) but they do hurt and people tend to either squirrel chase and get lured into traps or they ignore me to their detriment. I've tried the ERPPC sniper, WAY WAY WAY too hot, and I find with ECM you lack punch. I have tried SRM4's before and had some success but the close range nature made it 50/50 in getting through a firing line alive.
The damage output is modest (particularly on the LRM build) but they do hurt and people tend to either squirrel chase and get lured into traps or they ignore me to their detriment. I've tried the ERPPC sniper, WAY WAY WAY too hot, and I find with ECM you lack punch. I have tried SRM4's before and had some success but the close range nature made it 50/50 in getting through a firing line alive.
Posted 18 March 2015 - 03:38 AM
I made a joke build on my Lynx Prime with 2 Tons of LBX-A/C-2, and max JJs, actually sacrificing half a ton of armor.
The craziest thing? 200 DAMAGE AVERAGE! I usually stick behind the largest group of friendly heavies I can find, until they close to short range with the enemy. Then I run around backshooting (usually point blank) every enemy mech I can while they mix up with my team's heavier mechs. The effect is comical, especially with a hot pink, tiny, 25 tonner! They see me (obviously, with my paint job), but once they see my loadout (I look like some cheesy Gundham with an arm cannon), they totally dismiss me. That's all the advantage I need.
The only drawback (aside from limited ammo) is that enemy lights can tear me apart in seconds.
The craziest thing? 200 DAMAGE AVERAGE! I usually stick behind the largest group of friendly heavies I can find, until they close to short range with the enemy. Then I run around backshooting (usually point blank) every enemy mech I can while they mix up with my team's heavier mechs. The effect is comical, especially with a hot pink, tiny, 25 tonner! They see me (obviously, with my paint job), but once they see my loadout (I look like some cheesy Gundham with an arm cannon), they totally dismiss me. That's all the advantage I need.
The only drawback (aside from limited ammo) is that enemy lights can tear me apart in seconds.
Edited by T Decker, 18 March 2015 - 03:43 AM.
Posted 31 March 2015 - 02:16 PM
If your plan is speed in a Clan Mech the Mist Lynx is really the only option. The Kit Fox has potential and it's extra five tons gives it a bit more payload to work with, but it is a little bit slower for it as well.
I'm the new guy around here. I haven't been playing MWO for long and I rarely play shooters because I'm pretty terrible at them. So I am by no means skilled here. But despite that, I am finding I can average 200-300 damage a battle in the Mist Lynx. My record so far in only a couple weeks is 615 damage in this little guy.
It's not a bad mech. It might not be the right play style for you, or you might prefer one of the larger IS lights, but there's nothing wrong with the Mist Lynx.
I'm the new guy around here. I haven't been playing MWO for long and I rarely play shooters because I'm pretty terrible at them. So I am by no means skilled here. But despite that, I am finding I can average 200-300 damage a battle in the Mist Lynx. My record so far in only a couple weeks is 615 damage in this little guy.
It's not a bad mech. It might not be the right play style for you, or you might prefer one of the larger IS lights, but there's nothing wrong with the Mist Lynx.
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