Joseph Mallan, on 03 February 2015 - 03:46 AM, said:
Dude... The way South goes through Who?
though who is not relevant when we cna not attakc this "who" southwards. look at the map, the latest attakc corridors at the bears made us go straight to the east. eats =/= south.
Joseph Mallan, on 03 February 2015 - 03:59 AM, said:

Second if you go East/West can you then redirect South?
yes this, we go eastwards atm, but it seems not to change to the south, because WE can not choose we can just take what is choosen, by the algorithm/PGI and this is for days, nearly more than a week now even not southwards. We had borders to FRR and Steiner for a few days, but we had not a planet available on their terrain to attack. While in reverse both could attack wolf. So all we could is defend, but defening does not proceed your borders. For days we are struck with broken nonsense attack corridors.
And in those week+, the falcons and bears already managed to cut us off from the IS.
Lets see if this is fixed today with the patch. I mean its beta, thats what it isfor, but someone at PGI could at leats manually have assigned some planets to help as a short solution.
Edited by Lily from animove, 03 February 2015 - 05:44 AM.