The Star League is on the move!
Just hours after the declaration of the Star League's rebirth, militaries are mobilizing across the Inner Sphere as House and Mercenary units are redirecting their efforts in a unified defense against the Clans, all flying the banner of the Star League. Mechs are being repainted en route, and there are reports of Marik, Liao, and Davion units hitting the dirt on the Northern front still in their old faction colors, not even waiting for their mechs to be repainted before rushing to assist their beleaguered brethren on the FRR and Kurita fronts.
Details of the new Star League forged on Wazan are coming in.
Many of the finer points of this new grand alliance have yet to be finalized, and the delegates have agreed to reconvene on Tharkad in two weeks time to further discuss and refine the minutiae of Star League operation. In the mean time, military strategies are being drawn up and revised, units are being deployed, and reserve forces are being called up to aid in a renewed offensive against the Clan invasion.
Star League officials on Wazan have also released details on the agreements ratified to form the new Star League.
In a vote of 25-0, with one abstaining vote, the delegates agreed to formally ratify the creation of a new Star League, formally declaring a cease fire and tentative alliance across all Inner Sphere houses. Inter-house training exercises, including simulated invasions and some live-fire exercises will still be conducted. Local citizens should not be alarmed by these exercises, and local authorities will do their best to keep local populations informed of these exercises, though the sensitive nature of military operations may limit that.
This new Star League will have no First Lord. Learning from the lessons of centuries of internecine conflict, the delegates have explicitly prohibited the position of First Lord of the Star League, or any similar position, from ever existing in the new Star League. It has been declared that no one man or woman shall ever be the sole ruler of the Star League ever again.
Under the new Star League, each great House Nation will maintain a high degree of autonomy, largely directing their own affairs. Each House will send an elected representative to stand in a Star League Parliament, and all Parliament meetings will be open to local house leaders (unit commanders), faction diplomats, and appointed representatives (unit reps appointed by the unit's commander). Due to high suspicion of infiltration by Clan spies and other agents, Parliament meetings, as they currently stand, are not open to the general public.
It has also been agreed that the diverse number of mercenary units, representing a significant military force, shall be given their own representation as a Seventh "House," which has yet to be named, equal to the other six Houses in the Star League Parliament.
Further details on the organization of the New Star League are still sparse, and many finer minutiae of the Star League's day-to-day operation have yet to be finalized. A second Parliamentary meeting has been declared in two weeks, and will be held on the Lyran capital of Tharkad.
Official word from the still-forming leadership of the Star League Defense Force is that the immediate objectives of the SLDF is to reinforce the heavily depleted forces of the Rasalhague KungsArme in the battered remnants of the FRR, and to assist in the recent Mercenary reinforcement of the Kuritan front. SLDF leadership has put out the call to any and all Mechwarriors willing and able to take up arms against the Clans to rally to the Star League Banner and deploy on these fronts as they are able, particularly the worlds of the FRR, which is suffering the full weight of the onslaught of all four Clan factions.
More details to follow as they become available.
The meeting minutes with motions and vote counts:
Edited by Ilithi Dragon, 07 February 2015 - 07:37 PM.