The first two 'Mechs from the Resistance Pack are almost ready to drop onto the battlefield, and we think it's time for a sneak peek.
Here's the Light-class Panther PNT-10K[R] showing off its unique Resistance 'Pre-Order Variant' Pattern:

Here's the Medium-class Enforcer ENF-5D[R] showing off its unique Resistance 'Pre-Order Variant' Pattern:

Click the Spoiler buttons to reveal the the initial Quirks for these 2 Variants
Please remember that Quirks are subject to change at any time.
Enforcer ENF-5D[R]
Panther PNT-10K[R]
There's still time to pre-order your Resistance Collection and snag the unique pre-order Variants shown here, so head over to the Resistance Page and make your choice!