Cgb Units Ghost Dropping On Kiesen
Posted 08 February 2015 - 10:50 PM
All we needed the way to attack Kurita, not CSJ planets. Sadly, but there is no any diplomacy mechanism in this game, so we couldn't just "buy" it.
In this moment clans need to unite in defend. Now our priority goal is to protect ANY clan planet under attack.
Sorry for misunderstanding.
Posted 09 February 2015 - 12:35 AM
pbiggz, on 08 February 2015 - 10:21 PM, said:
You and your unit are nothing but huge **** stirrers. You came to CSJ when we were the second biggest of all the clans and served to do nothing other than agitate. Look at the time lapse pal, we were quickly growing without your "help." So get that delusion out of your head. We tried, numerous times to work with you, but no you kept rebuffing our attempts and then tried to paint the whole clan as anti-merc, all because we wouldn't let a few trolls have their fun. I personally sent out messages to your unit and you disregarded them. CSJ works with mercs, as long as the mercs work with us, which you all refused to do from the start. Funny that you mention your time with Kurita, as from what I understand all your unit did was agitate and stir the pot over there too. Just browsing you and your unit's post history will show what trolls you all really are. Tuck your tail between your legs and run. Or do what ever you do forum warriors...you know where JGx and I will be, should your unit ever grow a pair...
Good luck Jade Falcons, they are your problem now...
Edited by Von Blumen, 09 February 2015 - 01:09 AM.
Posted 09 February 2015 - 07:04 AM
What I got sick of, and what you readily demonstrate here, is the constant swarm of accusations meted out by JGx. You guys seem to love painting all mercs with the same brush, and blame everyone and everything but yourselves for your problems. When QQ first attacked Ghost Bear, you ran to accuse 228 of the exact same **** because they happened to come from the same faction and had the audacity to agree with QQ's line of thought. When I dared to politely ask you to stop treating mercs like ****, suddenly I was a party to their "infractions" as well. You want to know how we got our name on a completely undefended Ghost Bear world when we can barely field 12? Because the Ghost Bears wanted someone to clean out their FRR pimple, and we were happy to oblige. They even thanked us (and the rest of CSJ) afterwards.
You seem to think that just because I disagree with your e-fascist game design vision that I'm some kind of e-anarchist, out to disrupt all forms of established e-order for the sake of it. The truth is we have a lot of friends in the Smoke Jaguars. Before the Smoke Adders decided to play MWO as a group, a good few of their members were part of my unit. They're great guys, and I enjoyed having a chance to play with them again. We care about CSJ's progression as a faction, and we're protective of her interests because for as long as our contract lasts they're our interests as well. We're just really tired of you and Prussian turning us into comic book villains to fit your distorted e-political narrative.
Posted 09 February 2015 - 07:17 AM
Posted 09 February 2015 - 07:25 AM

Edited by Jaroth Corbett, 09 February 2015 - 07:25 AM.
Posted 09 February 2015 - 11:56 AM
Von Blumen, on 09 February 2015 - 10:39 AM, said:
He says after we spend three weeks building his ******* occupation zone up from almost nothing. We cooperated with other units such as Smoke adders, which as I understand, are much larger than yours, and we often led your pugs to success, but if we really didnt help, then you wouldnt care so much that we've left. Seems apparent that it does bother you though.

I have no intention of backing down from my position unless you stop insulting my friends and my unit.
Posted 09 February 2015 - 01:13 PM
Von Blumen, on 08 February 2015 - 05:00 PM, said:
First and foremost, I do not appreciate the tone of your posts, nor have you shown any appreciable attempt to put forth your opinions without any of your ridiculous accusations and outlandish lies.
That aside. Let's get down to business on past events. As many CSJ units have seen, once a Kurita attack world goes 100% the defenders simply stop queuing, therefore eliminating one game option. Smoke jaguar has no other attack avenues, and the defense planets are hit or miss at best. At the time CSJ could gain an attack lane in FRR without blocking CGB's advance into both Kurita and FRR. Yes. We attacked ghost bear in attempts to open up an FRR attack lane (the same reason given by ghost bear units in recent events). This occurred for two evenings. Precisely two evenings. These actions were brutally rebuffed by CSJ loyalist units, so we ceased the attempt and simply stopped playing CW once Kurita planets hit 100%.
We listened to your requests and we obeyed them. We took up a SECOND two week contract after these transgressions because we believed them to be resolved and behind us. We like the units in CSJ, and we don't mind following their rules since the games (and the pay) are good. I can't speak for the forums since I do not post, but we do not troll in game. Quite the opposite, we gather our pugs, tell them the game plan and support each player until the end of the game. We participate in EST evening and afternoon timeslots to defend CSJ's interests and advance their holdings into Kurita space towards Terra- as you have asked.
Yes. The lanes we wanted are now here. And frankly, we would love to stay with CSJ and help fight. However the truth remains that I have several of my members asking to leave CSJ because of the hostile behavior shown to us (as a unit, not even simply the members who are posting- which frankly, is rude and unbecoming). We operate on 14 day contracts. We are supposed to fly the CSJ banner until the 13th. However the overwhelming majority have asked to terminate our contract ASAP. We are supposed to remain Clan until the 13th for our newer member's sake (who do not have IS non-trials), so we took up a CJF 7 day contract. We could not go CGB because of the anger and distrust that would garner. We did not go Wolf because they no longer have attack lanes. We actively chose our route to please CSJ interests and part on good terms. And you berate us for it?
Von Blumen, on 09 February 2015 - 12:35 AM, said:
Good luck Jade Falcons, they are your problem now...
We came to CSJ at the EXACT SAME TIME as these other units, it did not weigh into our decisions because it simply was not known to us. We REMAINED in CSJ once these units began to leave, BECAUSE THEIR PRESENCE DID NOT MATTER TO US.
We claimed Kurita worlds in the name of CSJ, look at the map and see. They are few, because we are small, but the planets are there.
You "tried to work with us" and we complied. We ceased the "open FRR attack lane" at CSJ leadership's behest, and since then followed your rules.
I did not receive any messages from you or your comrades. Doing the slightest bit of searching would have lead you to my name so don't try to play the "didn't know" card. Even searching within your loyalist units would have led you to people who could point you in the direction of precisely which of our members to message for best impact.
Kurita (at the time of our contract with them) refused to attack Clan holdings, and only wished to defend. We suggested capitalizing on the Davion border, since Kurita was slowly losing planets and not gaining any. This was rebuffed and we ceased there was well. Kurita units looked upon us with hostility since then, so we decided not to renew our 14 day contract with them once it expired.
For any other concerns you and I can talk via messages or you may come to our teamspeak to discuss, since I hardly see the point on putting these non-public matters on public display. This goes for your CSJ fellows berating my unit and my pilots.
EDIT: First response past-tense correction, Kurita contract clarifcation
Edited by Epitaph, 09 February 2015 - 01:17 PM.
Posted 09 February 2015 - 01:43 PM
Stop acting as the whole CSJ faction is against mercs. That's a lie. The player's in this faction have their own reasons for the choice's they make.
Good luck on everyone's efforts in Community Warfare, I hope they turn out to be good games.
Posted 09 February 2015 - 02:04 PM
+1 in appreciation for leading pugs.
Posted 09 February 2015 - 02:30 PM
ArchSight, on 09 February 2015 - 01:43 PM, said:
Stop acting as the whole CSJ faction is against mercs. That's a lie. The player's in this faction have their own reasons for the choice's they make.
Good luck on everyone's efforts in Community Warfare, I hope they turn out to be good games.
Were distancing ourselves because specific players have made staying here miserable, you have painted us with broad brushstrokes, and when we single out the people responsible, you accuse us of painting you with broad brush strokes. This is a lie. We were more than happy to work with CSJ and most often did, but apparently that wasn't enough for some of you. See you on the battle field.
Posted 09 February 2015 - 03:43 PM
Posted 09 February 2015 - 03:59 PM
Posted 09 February 2015 - 04:14 PM
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