and how they could work and differ from Battle-Mechs,
(not just Clan Omni's but the Eventual IS Omni's too),
in this Topic ill discuss,
1) Omni/Battle Mechs and Quriks,
2) the 2 Community Purposed Solutions,
3) the Combined Third Solution,
4) Examples(Nova Quriks)
1) =Omni-Mechs, Battle-Mechs & Quirks in MWO=
MWO Omni-Mechs are mechs that can swop out Omni-Pods, 1 for each location,
what ever hardpoints are within that location are stored in that Variants Omni-Pods,
this allows Omni-Mechs to customize their hardpoints, between different Variants,
however Omni-mechs cant change their engines or Upgrades,
Battle-mechs on the other hand can change their Engine, Upgrades, and Equipment,
everything but their hardpoints, they also usually have a variant for each style of play,
the catch is you need to buy each variant to have all bases covered,
now onto Quirks, for Battle-mechs their Quirks are to the variant,
each variant having a place and purpose to the mech and its chassis line,
but for an Omni-mech i dont think this would work, Why?
because as an Omni Mech you can swop out hardpoints for others,
so if one variant gets -20% heat gen Quirk with MPL but can only hold 6E,
a player could always swop the hard points out to be able to mount 10E,
so quirking by variant could be hard to balance and to control,
2a) =The First Solution, Omni-Mech Chassis Locked Quirks=
now a possible solution is Omni-pod Chassis locked Quirks,
this means you have to have all 8 Omni-pods of the set equipped to gain the full bonus,
so if the chassis quirk says your mech will get -30% heat gen for the Chassis,
not having all 8 Omni-pods of the set equipped will only net you -15% or -30,
the problem with this solution is i feel it would limit an Omni's customization,
and if they are planing to make a mixed build(the best part of an Omni-mech),
players would be penalized with getting only half of the benefits of the mech by mixing it,
most players would likely only keep the variant they feel will give the most benefit,
and sell the rest as they have little need for those Omni-mechs,
2b) =The Second Solution, Omni-Mech Pod Locked Quirks=
now onto another possible solution having Omni-pod linked Quirks,
Quirks attached to Omni-pods, this gives flexibility and benefit to the Omni-mech,
but again their is always the problem of Mini/Maxing using pods to stack bonuses,
this is abit of the problem and leads to another possible solution,
this solution is Omni-pod Location locked Quirks,
this means that if an arm has 3E at -30% heat gen, only those 3E will get -30%,
now i dont agree with this as i feel its abit too limiting but it could work,
personally i would rather keep quirks global and thats my bias,
even though i disagree, i do feel its a good idea non the less,
3) =The Third Combined Solution, A Balanced Both=
after looking over the First two Purposed Solutions i thought,
i may not agree with both, but both are good ideas, so why not use both?
so have Omni-pods attached to both the Variant and the Omni-pods,
i feel that Omni-mechs should get CT Variant Quirks,
and having all 8 Omni-pods of the Omni-Set gives the full Quirk bonus,
having less that all 8 of the Omni-set would only give half the Quirk bonuses,
but individual Omni-pods should have Quirks as well,
but all locations with Hardpoints have Weapon Quirk Bonuses,
and all Weapon Quirk Bonuses are locked to the Omni-Pod location,
EX. Arm Weapon Quirks will only affect weapons in that Arm,
i feel this will lesson Mini/Maxing and some Stacking Problems,
here are examples of how i see both working together,
4) =Examples=
NVA-P= -10% Heat Gen Quirk(Global)(8/8)
-CT- +10% Heat Thresh-hold(Stacks) Quirk
-HD- +5% Heat Thresh-hold(Stacks) Quirk
-LT- +10% Turn Angle(Stacks) Quirk
-RT- +10% Turn Angle(Stacks) Quirk
-LA- 6E) -10% LA Heat Gen Quirk
-RA- 6E) -10% RA Heat Gen Quirk
-LL- +5% Heat Thresh-hold(Stacks) Quirk
-RL- +5% Heat Thresh-hold(Stacks) Quirk
(Heat Thresh-hold and Turn angle for Skirmishing)
(with Main&Arm Quirks ER-ML gens 4.8 heat per ER-ML)
NVA-B= 20% Torso Turn-Angle Quirk(Global)(8/8)
-CT- +10% Torso Turn-Angle(Stacks) Quirk
-HD- +10% Turn-Speed(Stacks) Quirk
-LT- 2B) +5% Acceleration/Deceleration(Stacks) Quirk
-RT- 1E) +5% Acceleration/Deceleration(Stacks) Quirk
-LA- 1E) +50% LA Energy Range Quirk
-RA- 1B) +50% RA Ballistic Velocity Quirk
-LL- +5% Acceleration/Deceleration(Stacks) Quirk
-RL- +5% Acceleration/Deceleration(Stacks) Quirk
(Acceleration/Deceleration and Turn angle for maneuverability)
(with Arm Quirks for aiding Distance Builds and Hitting fast)
NVA-S= +20% Armor(Hp) Quirk(Global)(8/8)
-CT- 1AMS) +10% AMS Range/CT Structure(Hp) Quirk
-HD- +15% Structure(Hp) Quirk
-LT- 2B) +15% LT Structure(Hp) Quirk
-RT- 2B) +15% RT Structure(Hp) Quirk
-LA- 3E) +50% LA Energy Range Quirk
-RA- 3E) +50% RA Energy Range Quirk
-LL- +15% LLeg Structure(Hp) Quirk
-RL- +15% RLeg Structure(Hp) Quirk
(Structure and Armor for Brawling)
(Energy Range for MPL= 495m)
NVA-A= 20% Heat Thresh-hold Quirk(Global)(8/8)
-CT- 10% Heat Displacement(Stacks) Quirk
-HD- 5% Heat Displacement(Stacks) Quirk
-LT- 1E, 1AMS) +10% AMS Range Quirk
-RT- 1AMS) +10% AMS Range Quirk
-LA- 1E) +50% LA ER-PPC Velocity Quirk
-RA- 1E) +50% RA ER-PPC Velocity Quirk
-LL- +5% JumpJet Capacity(Stacks) Quirk
-RL- +5% JumpJet Capacity(Stacks) Quirk
(JumpJet and AMS Quirks for getting around safely)
(with Arm Quirks for aiding sniping Builds & Hitting fast)
i believe this system would help with Clan Balance,
as well as give Hard-point-less Omni-pods Purpose,
All the Quirk Values are meant as place holders,
and dont represent the values or Views of PGI,
Thoughts, Comments, Concerns?
Edit- Added Sections understanding,
Edit2- cut unneeded sections out,
Edit3- reworked and reworded,
Edited by Andi Nagasia, 11 February 2015 - 10:38 AM.