Marik-Star League Retaliation Against House Kurita For Marik-Nsl Snub
Posted 13 February 2015 - 02:13 PM
Posted 13 February 2015 - 02:51 PM
The combine has no need for more enemies, especially one ones which willfully and pleasantly volunteer their forces into our ranks from time to time.
Edited by PerfectDuck, 13 February 2015 - 02:52 PM.
Posted 14 February 2015 - 12:02 PM
PerfectDuck, on 13 February 2015 - 02:51 PM, said:
The combine has no need for more enemies, especially one ones which willfully and pleasantly volunteer their forces into our ranks from time to time.
There is no need for me to incite/cultivate what is already in full deadly bloom.
As I stated above, "...the VERY FIRST USE of the Marik Star League Defense Force (Marik-SLDF) Units was to reduce to smoldering ruin, three Draconis Combine worlds (Asta, Deneb Algedi, and Styx)..." all within less than three days of the MnSL rebirth.
Those three lost Kurita worlds and the associated hundreds of DCMS-gamers-hours spent so very judiciously in their Defenses ALL speak more eloquently of Marik intentions toward House Kurita that I ever could.
Posted 14 February 2015 - 02:58 PM
Posted 15 February 2015 - 03:23 AM
Posted 15 February 2015 - 05:47 AM
SteelWarrior, on 14 February 2015 - 02:58 PM, said:
Prussian Havoc, on 15 February 2015 - 12:06 AM, said:
BEST intended/unintended double entendre in the game to date!
Very nice, very nice indeed...
Just realized this is the exceedingly rare TRIPLE ENTENDRE!
I had hoped SteelWarrior meant Marik as the "target," but realized he most likely meant CSJ... but then looking at which planets House Kurita has been focusing effort on for the last week, I NOW think it was House Davion (https://mrbcleague.com/cw/index.html#) to which he referred!!!
Such a very sublime effort, whether it was intentionally or not, matters not. I see it as a wonderfully crafted comment.
<O SteelWarrior
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 16 February 2015 - 07:14 AM.
Posted 15 February 2015 - 05:27 PM
Prussian Havoc, on 13 February 2015 - 09:04 AM, said:
House Kurita's resolute stance in opposition to Marik Leadership of the Second Star League sent shock waves throughout much of the Inner Sphere but left some Clan Leaders unsurprised. (http://mwomercs.com/...ost__p__4187578) One Clan Smoke Jaguar Senior Elder commented on the record, that it is unsurprising that an honorable and noble Faction, such as House Kurita would see through the facade of a "MARIK" star league. Surely it will no be long before House Marik becomes an Inner Sphere pariah for its audacity to assume the mantel of First House of a reborn Star League... parliament? More like Marik puppets for all this "Soft Peace" has PROVEN TO BE A LIE."
Interested by these comments records were combed and signal intercepts reviewed. The resulting lie of a Marik Star League "Soft Peace" became clear. Details follow:
1. The Draconis Combine High Command made public what had earlier been promised in private [that the Combine would not be part and parcel of a Marik Star League(M-SL)] during the tail end of the 11FEB NA-cycle.
And what is the VERY FIRST use of the Marik-SLDF?
Did Marik-SLDF choose to protect member Worlds?
Was it a synchronized operation along the lines of Clan CONPLAN IRON DOME, with its assured and mutual defensive allocations toward Clan Common Defense on ALL CLAN WORLDS?
3. Marik-SLDF Units began an ALL-OUT assault during this same 11FEB NA-cycle that HK announced its refusal to be complicit in Marik's Star League scheme. Marik-SLDF Units unleashed coordinated attacks all along the Marik-SL's Border with House Kurita. Marik-SLDF Units have since captured Asta, Deneb Algedi, and Styx with Marik-SLDF Vanguard Units already conducting attacks on the Kurita Sovereign world of Marik-Nirasaki.
While the VERY FIRST USE of the Marik Star League Defense Force (Marik-SLDF) Units was to reduce to smoldering ruin, three Draconis Combine worlds (Asta, Deneb Algedi, and Styx), Marik-SLDF Units have also conducted attacks against subversive (anti-Marik) elements on the Lyran worlds of Thorin, Murphid and Zollikofen as well as wantonly and recklessly endangering the civilian population of the Davion world of Carver, harshly subjugating the previously free and independent peoples of this Federated Common wealth world whose ancestors were so very instrumental in holding out despite a grueling and cruel siege lasting more than six years during the Amaris Coup, circa 2768-2773.
YES, that is right, since the founding of the Marik Star League (M-SL) M-SLDFs have contributed negligible forces in Defence of those Houses in gravest need, FRR, House Steiner and House Kurita.
Instead the M-SLDF preys on surrounding Houses of the Inner Sphere. Let us take a look at recent Inner Sphere battle results since the #ForgingOfTheMarikStarLeague:
In less than three days the FRR has lost 6 Worlds: Satalice, Lothan, Thannhausen, Ramsau, Nirasaki, and Wheel.
House Davian has lost 3 worlds: Olancha, Carver, and Clovis.
House Steiner has lost 3 worlds: Benfled, and Blair Atholl.
The Marik-Star League "Soft Peace" has proven to be a sham. The Draconis Combine should take pride in standing up to a would be Hegemony
ASSESSMENT: The Marik Star League believes it can NOT be seen as weakened by the Draconis Combines public repudiation of Marik's intents and purposes under the thin mantle / title of "Star League." The Inner Sphere power-play by Marik Leadership and complicit Fifth Columnist in Houses Davion and Steiner will only work so long as there remained the illusion of a unified Inner Sphere.
With the loss of three worlds to Marik-SLDF Units since the #ForgingOfTheMarikStarLeague, it is assessed the House Steiner is the next most likely Inner Sphere House to break from the Marik's lead of the Marik-SL. If House Davion is also the target of addition aggression by Marik-SLDF Units, it would become increasingly likely Dwvion too, will break from Marik-leadership of the Marik-Star League.
RECOMMENDATION: House Kurita's stance against Marik-Star League is most curious. Potential to realize either coordinated or incidental advantage in harmony with DCMS defensive efforts should be explored immediately. Significant combat advantage could be realized if CSJ and other Clan forces were to surge liberation operations during the height of Draconis Combine Mustered Soldiery activity in response to future Marik-SL aggression.
Work also needs to be conducted to revisit OPN REVIVAL BASELINE ASSUMPTIONS, as the House Kurita realignment against the Marik-Star League in effect brings this forward-seeing and Battle-Tested Inner Sphere House into PERFECT alignment with Clan stated intent and mission under OPN REVIVAL (http://www.sarna.net...i/Clan_Invasion) every effort must be made to explore future areas of (if not cooperation per se then) mutual interest. Areas of unexpected though significant synergies should be anticipated and the possibility of improved relations should be explored,
CW Day 64 report: https://mrbcleague.com/cw/index.html# [Date report generated Friday, 13 FEB, 14:00 (MRBC website time)]
CW Day 63 report: http://www.reddit.co..._battle_report/
CW Day 62 report: http://www.reddit.co..._battle_report/
Asta World Report: http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Asta
Deneb Algedi World Report: http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Deneb_Algedi
Styx World Report: http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Styx
Carver World Report: http://www.sarna.net/wiki/Carver
Cool RP... between this and getting lvl20 for the rest of the clamz must keep you busy
Posted 16 February 2015 - 04:10 PM
Posted 17 February 2015 - 02:57 AM
I admire your talent for propaganda and and carefully laying out words. However, I do wonder how this skillset made it into trueborn genes. The longest sentence if ever heard from a trueborn warrior was something like "Me Grimlock fire all da weapons" Which is fine with me, as I know you were selected to be a warrior and not a diplomat.
possible solution 1: The CSJ eugenic program severly messed up.
possible solution 2: You are in fact freeborn. And let me give you an advise here: You should not feel embarrased about that. We all know that time in life when we were young and got that little freeborn-curious. No shame in that. Just make sure your Neighbour doesnt notice.
Posted 17 February 2015 - 07:50 AM
Sthtopokeon, on 17 February 2015 - 02:57 AM, said:
I admire your talent for propaganda and and carefully laying out words. However, I do wonder how this skillset made it into trueborn genes. The longest sentence if ever heard from a trueborn warrior was something like "Me Grimlock fire all da weapons" Which is fine with me, as I know you were selected to be a warrior and not a diplomat.
possible solution 1: The CSJ eugenic program severly messed up.
possible solution 2: You are in fact freeborn. And let me give you an advise here: You should not feel embarrased about that. We all know that time in life when we were young and got that little freeborn-curious. No shame in that. Just make sure your Neighbour doesnt notice.
Truth be told... there was a dusty vial way in the back of the @Maytag #VialFreezer (a tried and true, repurposed http://www.maytag.com/-[MQF2056TEW]-1102176/MQF2056TEW/)
Some say the vial contained the distilled essence of direct descendants of Genghis Khan...
Some say the vial contained a contribution from the Nicholas Kerensky (http://www.sarna.net...cholas_Kerensky) himself, given as a youth and subsequently lost to time...
And some think a VatTech got a little TOO involved with his work one night and Voila, a direct contribution!
Speculation runs rampant, with different camps building conspiracy theories, validating and discrediting facets of each other's
Personally... (and I have not shared this before) while I was indeed grown in a Vat, I also get to have Dinner with "Dad" every Tuesday night!, when he gets off shift... I am NOT saying I am a tweaked-out-Clone... but it IS true to say I only have one Parent!
(Thx for another, fun RP opportunity!)
Posted 19 February 2015 - 05:36 AM
The Marik-nSL has chosen to conquer Davion world after Davion World in an effort to expand its contiguous space toward Terra rather than rely on the Marik-nSL "experiment-in-wormholes"/Pocket.
The pace at which both House Kurita and the Marik-nSL are progressing, our #ClanRoad2Terra will no longer go through Davion Space.
It will only be a question of which Inner Sphere Power will possess the precious Stars of Rigil Kentarus, Caph, Reid and Sirius (the four safeguard-Systems around Terra) to decide which original House of the Inner Sphere will have a piece of the Clans' Climatic battle for Terra.
Once again the deciding factor will be where do the current FRR Mercenaries goes upon the completion of their current FRR contracts.
While I would prefer to see House Kurita win this particular contest, it is a clear likelihood that BWC and CI will soon drive a resurgent Marik-nSL to envelope many of the Star Systems around Terra and thus provide a final buffer against the Clan Invasion for the.Inner Sphere Defense of Terra.
Edited by Prussian Havoc, 19 February 2015 - 05:46 AM.
Posted 19 February 2015 - 05:38 AM
Posted 19 February 2015 - 09:31 PM
Posted 20 February 2015 - 03:33 AM
Posted 20 February 2015 - 06:30 AM
CrockdaddyAoD, on 19 February 2015 - 09:31 PM, said:
A true Star League would be INCLUSIVE rather than PUNITIVE...
...however, it may just be that MWO Community Warfare is not conducive to the realization of a Factional-Star League. You would almost have to have and resulting Star League Leadership/Council/Parliament/Coterie become #Factionless to a degree or perhaps rotate Lead Faction on a preplanned basis in order to build sufficient consensus.
Sufficient inclusion and consensus from all Inner Sphere Houses, rather than continued predatory practices against one or more neighbors in the interests of finding matches for one's Faction's gamers. MWO Community Warfare has no means of inter-Factional "Training Exercises." Training Exercise would be a means to keep one's gamer employed full-time in all the drops they care to run, but instead of a planet changing hands, perhaps there could INSTEAD be a pronouncement of a "winner" given whoever achieved the most wins in a two-sided Contest of Arms.
Perhaps this "Training Exercise" could be a MWO mode alongside Invasion, still dolling out C-bills, Loyalty Points and Experience just not with the attendant Tagging of Planets and their subsequent/potential changing of Factional hands.
There would need to be an enduring Tally of "wins" and just which Unit achieved the most "Training Exercise" "Win Counters" for each Cycle's Contest of Arms between (or perhaps among just one) Faction(s). Enduring "Training Exercise" Record is essential in order to substitute for being unable to Tsg a particulate planet, it gives both sides of the "Training Exercise" something to shoot for.
Interestingly, this same problem for the Inner Sphere and its Star League is nearly identical to the one facing the Clans and their Grand Kurultai process of choosing an ilClan in order to respond to the current Marik-new Star League (Marik-nSL) - just how do you keep supposedly ALLIED gamers from the MWO:CW limitation of ONLY having direct and lethal action Modes of Gameplay available to keep a Factiin's gamers FULLY employed as gamers. A non-lethal, non-planets-changing-hands option could be the ONLY way to limited intra-Star League tensions, frustrations and animosity long enough to really permit an inclusive Star League from being realized.
"Training Exercises" would be sufficient to permit #Gamers2Game but NOT destabilize the fragile balance of a coalition required for Multi-Factional Alliances like the Star League or the recognition of an ilClan/ilKhan.
Inter-Factional (Inner Sphere) Peace is vital before there can possibly be enough "group buy-in" to bring all Inner Sphere Houses on message with regard to a Star League... or indeed all Clans with respect to choosing an ilClan as a means of offsetting the advantage of a Star League's presumed Unity of Command and Synchronicity of Action as well as Harmony of Intent.
One would hope that part and parcel of BOTH a Star League AND an ilClan is:
Unity of Command - being able to initiate, execute and conclude Group actions to the singular, best advantage of the Group originally stated intent, ALTERNATELY realized as effective, efficient Leadership with a purpose to best advantage the Group toward an enduring and somewhat distant Communal goal.
Synchronicity of Actions - having sufficient leadership to arrange both Temporal and Spatial actions and elements toward realizing and sustaining Group goals and beneficial outcomes.
Harmony of Intent - near-complete realization of a balanced (Harmonized) purpose and intention of action/effect by a needed and culturally unique, proportion of the Grouo in question. When Harmony of Intent is achieved, nearly ALL actions of a disparate and individually-led Group-membership will ultimately align in perfect accord with the stated goals of the inclusive and aggregate-Group.
For me the intermediate goal of:
Pre-Kurultai Agenda
Mission Statement
(DRAFT) ilKhan Intent
...was to catalyze/coalesce an ilClan/ilKhan sufficient to realize - Unity of Command and Synchronicity of Action as well as Harmony of Intent.
I would offer that the Inner Sphere faces the primarily the same challenges we ran into at the abortive Kurultai (in preparation for later Grand Kurultai) at the Pozoriztu Monastery along the Pozoristu Mountains of Tukayyid (back on 12FEB when Tukayyid was a Clan Liberated-World, subsequent events and the loss of Tukayyid making such a Grand Kurultai problematic at the current time.)
Parochialism and intra-factional, inter-factional (with Clans only) completion and historic animosities doomed this initial reach toward ilClan... having been aborted in its earliest formative stages, the Clan effort did not result in near the distraction and burgeoning failure embodied in: http://mwomercs.com/...ost__p__4169910
While a noteworthy effort and valuable source of many Lessons Learned, perhaps the Marik-nSL was before its time. Without a non-violent ("Training Exercise") mode of gaming to keep League member-Factions fully engaged, it was only a matter of time before frustration and animosity over Intra-League "Invasion Mode" gaming tore it asunder.
I mean no disrespect to Inner Sphere Factions in this analysis and I ask for all your constructive Criticisms here so that we can parse through circumstances and together look for how we can do better after Community Warfare Launch (perhaps as early as just prior to Steam Launch in the May-timeframe.) I believe it is in ALL our best interests to help PGI craft a CW experience that is robust, immersive and viable enough to encompass at least the potential to eventually realize both a stable and viable Inner Sphere Star League AND a Grand Kurultai of an ilClan/ilKhan.
Being able to realize both a Star League and an ilClan would represent some of the highest forms of Community Warfare inter-Factional political and cultural development and societal gameplay - It would truly be Great Fun for ALL involved.
Posted 20 February 2015 - 07:41 AM
This I expect will be realised more with the evolution of MWO taking on board an impactful economy and logistics that then apply pressure into forming stable ties as opposed to promoting conquest. This with the inclusion of smoothing over some other relationships with groups with game play type initiatives such as the MRBC.
Other than that in a virtual environment where no player trurly dies or loses assests in any form at the moment, not even with repair or maintenance overheads, there are no consequences to actions that could help to determine better choices or more purposeful reasons for doing things. And considering that this isnt the hardened reality of RL warfare that would have more conequentual decisions and politics to consider, some of which largely unrealised by your average civilian then the gravitas of this is only really emulated and again not really as consequential. Certainly no mothers will cry as a result of actions in MWO.
So for me the idea of just looking at the solution of representing political bodies is a limited viewpoint and rather "cart before the horse" thinking as ideally you first need to bring more purpose to the idea of what the political and militaristic choices represent by having something that is then directly effective to every player or pilot through the actions of these decisions. This then applying a suitable level of accountability and isn't then just pushing pieces round a board sticking flags in planets. Leaders and their actions would then have these ripple effects within units and between units that would give more credance as to having a substantive reason of foming relationships that will be literally of benefit, bringing various logistical or economical benefits.
So for me, putting the meaning and purpose into the game at this stage, (economics and logistics etc) is of more importance, as it then gives relevance to the idea of having a more involved reason for politics. It also means that you'd be better informed how to form useful relationships with then actually seeing the underlying form associated to them.
Posted 20 February 2015 - 10:21 AM
Noesis, on 20 February 2015 - 07:41 AM, said:
Noesis, you have some excellent points but I have an observation to add that may that might reframe our exchange here.
While I agree that we (gamers) need more than just "tags" on planets to compel our Community Warfare gameplay OR take our motivations for gaming to a higher level.
BUT the setting of desirable and tangible benefits to planet acquisition are NOT in our (gamers) control. PGI is already on record (from the TOWNHALL last night) as saying Community Warfare Phase Three will not be out until the last three months (if then) of 2015. I believe the exact quote was, Russ saying. "I expect we will spend most of 2015 in CW Beta." And while I could be mistaken CW3 and CW-Launch are tied into one event.
(Did anyone take way a different understanding of comments made during last nights Townhall?
Does anyone have any clarification on this?)
WHY SHOULD WE WAIT UNTIL CW PHASE 3 (Unit Logistics, Planetary Values and uniqueness, etc) before we (gamers) go ahead and begin to form and normalize the political nodes and linkages needed to give form and substance to Community Warfare?
I believe that while our game will be vastly more immersive and rewarding under CW Phase 3, but I refuse to be UNPRODUCTIVE in the meantime.
I would see refinements to BOTH Loyalists and Mercenary Constraints and Restraints, Consequences and Repercussions. These, taken in total, constituent Faction Accountability.
Accountability undergirds and enables ANY civilized Community.
Let us (gamers) work effectively AND efficiently in this MWO "Community" Warfare Beta to best advise PGI of those gameplay refinements/outright-changes that will BEST realize a better CW experience at CW Launch.
If we go the rout I believe Noesis is advising, we handicap the feedback we can give PGI because we do not invest in exploring #CW2Social interactions, connections, reinforcing and forcing functions ( and no doubt a host of other potentially missed opportunities and development opportunities)
WE WILL END UP WITH THE GAME WE DESERVE, if we slowly back away from CW and await PGI being able to run through all their first and intervening priorities in from to CW Phase Three.
I intend to use whatever time we have between now and CW Phase 3 to better understand the potential inherent in what PGI has given us this far in the game we all enjoy so very much. I understand it will be frustrating and thus not all gamers will want to spend their very limited game-time wading through the "limited" CW we currently have...
...just remember, those that will have ANY grounds to complain later will be those that try to facilitate the Beta Process NOW.
If you withdraw from CW development now, don't be surprised later if one or more facets of PGI's Launch version of CW does not meet with your expectations.
Work must be done TODAY to realize the best immersive, and compelling gameplay TOMORROW.
I invite you all to join me in this effort to help craft our own game - submit Features Suggestions if you find a problem or want to see a facet or feature.
Thank you and good gaming!
v/r PH
Posted 20 February 2015 - 11:53 AM
Prussian Havoc, on 20 February 2015 - 10:21 AM, said:
You could apply limited functionality now and yes it could provide some ideas as to how relations could be formed. But they could potentially be artificial and then long term not representing ideals or habitual practices that are then more meaningful with the introduction of an economy and the applied contraints associated with that as per phase 3 CW.
For instance what if PGI where to introduce logistical mechanics that then penalise allied associations, or the size of units to correlate the idea of co-ordinating large groups or these having differing relevance to differing groups. E.g. if MERCs where to have a limited size per unit in order to afford more freedoms of movement then this could be a sensible application. But we all know that an easy work around to this would be simply to seperate into lots of individual units to circumvent any penalties or restrictions. So presumably there would have to penalties in some way associated to alliances in the mechanics themselves to do this.
At this point then it may become concerning since then you have artificial limiters to relationships if they then restrict what you could then do as an alliance of those units. This since you propose to artificially close the ability of their choices in terms of other political relations between other play groups. Well unless those aggreements could simply only relate to the players involved in those alliances. Otherwise you are again asking for specific mechanics to limit player choice and imposing your style of play when the mechanics do not allow for differences in the control. So that temporarily you could be substantially undermining the ability for some player groups not to be able to more fully enjoy the game from a sense of equality with the existing mechanics. So then not really solving any long term problems, just shifting them around.
If however the economical and logistical realities of MERCs in their own right could be applied so that the relationships of MERCS to factions could be better realised and understood you could then find that any of the above artificial mechanics you want to apply to "control" the fate of other players may not be even necessary. This since if the MRBC defines contractual arrangements with the MERCs enabling their associations to be more readily defined as per the houses or other factions then this in itself then presents those economical incentives and behavioural objectives together that then make MERCs have relevancy.
Likewise the inclusion of further economical understanding then allows for units and alliances to see how their combined associations may work with those benefits and also what logistical overheads may be equally applied.
E.g. if planets become the perview of faction players with the idea of being able to upgrade them and recieving associated long term benefits from their intrinsic economy then it makes the understood benefits to being a factional player more certain. But there may be overheads and efficiencies within that as part of their logistical controls that then need to be considered also.
So if lets say the model of factions become planet play and MERCs MRBC lucrative contracts then this may be the very shift in mechanics that applies the kind of relationships you are persuing. This with a more clear understanding of possubly unit efficiencies, sizes, benefits, overheads all related to the practical management of those units. So I re-iterate that this then applies a more intrinsic relationship to better defining roles and purpose with CW in MWO.
Yes, you could enter into relations now with other units and alliances now and no I'm not saying that you shouldn't explore these options in the "interim" of other developments, largely because I expect like players so consistantly prove to be very creative in using the mechanics to their best effect anyhow. But please don't dictate to others any intentional motivations from your perspective Prussian about how I'm proposing what should be done, that is just manipulating what I haven't said.
All I have said is that the importance in terms of looking at these influences is to be better considered from an economical and logistical perspective to be able to give better understanding to what these alliances mean as it then more clearly defines the value of the games politics. The danger then of early relationships and growth in and between units is what it would then mean to the many facets of the "player" community when those things become introduced. It did not however say not to do these things.
Also assuming to utilise PGI development time to introduce artificial band-**** in a beta process that hold no long term relevancy could also then be an unwanted distraction to the development of the game which could end up delaying the provision of Phase 3 and the understanding needed to make the long term politcal interests then have purpose and meaning.
So by all means play the game and make your suggestions, I have no objections to you offering these things to PGI. But I would question the relevancy of trying to improve things for a limited area of players for temporary concerns which may then give an artificial or even contra understanding to perhaps how the longer term perspectives of gameplay and the meaning of inter unit realtionships in MWO come into effect.
This with the understanding that the interests you are then concerned with are then perhaps already being applied for effect by PGI development to be catered for with the introduction of much more enriching gameplay that gives much more purpose and meaning to the CW gameplay, the only problem then seemingly that it might require a little patience to apply them for effect. Though something I would not want to delay any further than necessary due to the very fact that it does add the greater purpose and meaning to "everyone" in the process as a part of CW game play.
I will also offer a personal perspective on perhaps the immaturity shown by MWO players to the process of diplomacy and inter related functions anyhow and that it would perhaps simply be folly for PGI to give players any more responsibility in helping to formulate the greater picture of politics for CW. For me it has had and expect it will simply continue to despoil that experience of MWO and will expect it to simply continue to fall short of expectations due to player attitudes with the game anyhow.
Edited by Noesis, 20 February 2015 - 12:51 PM.
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