The big problem:
A lot of the disjoint seems to revolve around merc units and their implementation, and the impact this has had on loyalist units and the lack of control that loyalist units can have on things within their own faction with huge merc units floating around.
In light of that I have indeed noticed there are a lot of factors at play here, primarily there are very few incentives other than a modest but not really super coaxing increase in loyalty and CBill earnings as a loyalist. When being a 100% committed player to a faction you think there would be a bit more perks than that, no?
On the flip-side Mercs are able to play for clans, can have contracts as short as 1 week or opt out when they feel like paying a penalty if they see fit and there are all kinds of goodies to gain from reputation rewards for each faction, Cbills, GXP, Mech bays, MC, Cockpit items and so forth.
Now that being said, the notion of being able to play both factions, Clan and IS, is appealing to a lot of players as it allows you to use all of the Mechs you've bought or ground out cbills to pay for then level and honestly in any game it would be poor form for a company to not allow you to use things you paid or worked for.
However should faction hoppers really be able to have sway on the alliances/agreements and aims of loyalists to as great a degree as they can now since they can ghost drop/defend against allies of certain factions etc? Probably not.
So this begs a question:
PGI, what is your stance on lore and its implementation as far as community warfare? Are you looking to focus on the PvP aspect while adding pieces of lore related goodies to make things more diverse and interesting while keeping things balanced or?
We know this is an Multiplayer FPS game, not an RPG game and how things have been implemented are indeed in light of that with you focusing balancing things around that rather than lore based elements and trying to keep population balanced via CBill/Loyalty incentives which are questionable in their allure.
Potential solution:
I saw a thread the other day that proposed a fantastic solution that would potentially make the loyalists as well as the lore fascinated a bit more happy while keeping Merc units as active and happy without the discord:
TL:DR version:
1) Allow Loyalists control over most of the attack lanes which would force Mercs to have to assist factions when joining up
2) Create increased bonuses for Merc unit matches when they play on a planet picked as a desired attack lane by loyalists
Things like that...
Honestly I think that would be throwing a huge bone to loyalists and alleviate the concerns about "unruly Mercs" causing disjoint between allied units/factions.
Edited by Necromantion, 14 February 2015 - 12:10 PM.