Truth be told the game could benefit from a pug queue. However lets be honest: There simply isn't enough players waiting around for up to 30 minutes to get into a single match. One thing I noticed about joining as a group is the ball gets rolling like snap, snap, you're there.
Now if the game allowed "CW" as an option for Play Now, where when you're needed it could suck you right into it provided you already have established a faction and a drop deck, then instead of waiting to get into match it could pull you into one as the last person needed and slap you right into the fight. (I actually wouldn't mind being able to join a CW match mid-match).
Should the game try to match grouped numbers? I believe it should. For example if side A has 6 players in a group and 2 players in a group, then side B should get an 8 player group, or 6 and 2, or 4 and 4, or even 2, 2, 2, and 2.
Honestly I'm more afraid of mass commando teams (2 players each, not actual Commando mechs) working dynamically than a group of 8 with one goal in mind. A single group with one goal is easy to handle. A lot of people with different methods to get to the objective leave you with a lot of unpredictable results.
As far as the maps, since they weren't designed as such there isn't much to say about how they would work out. On a side note they would be good to use as 'Counter Attack' maps in theory. There were plans or more accurately mentions about wanting to go back and enhance older maps. Since using them in CW would require (due to how PGI does things) having an entirely separate file specifically for the CW versions, per game mode, it is very possible they will expand them for dedicated CW purposes if reused.
Here's a solid example: If Forest Colony was opened up and expanded so that the attackers are dropped out at sea and have a way to trek to get into the Colony, then occupying or destroying the colony buildings could be an objective, alongside capsizing the frigate.
Another example: River City. Landing at sea again, this time storming up with objectives such as disabling the frigate before it escapes, capturing or destroying the capitol building (That used to have the statues out front) and preventing the enemy from evacuating the city.
Canyon, disable the train. Pretty straight forward.
Mech Factory, disable or capture key production areas. Rather than "Dropping off" every single mech, have some defending mechs spawn right off the factory line.
Edited by Koniving, 17 February 2015 - 05:50 AM.