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If The Lb-10X Requires Such Big Quirks....

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#1 Hans Von Lohman


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Posted 16 February 2015 - 11:21 PM

Ok, clearly the LB-10x requires some love.

I have two suggestions.

1. If the LB-10x requires such big bonuses to rate of fire on the Centurion 9D and the Orion-M to make people even want to equip it, then perhaps the basic gun needs to have the rate of fire turned up, and then the corresponding quirks on mechs like the Cent-9D and Orion-M turned down at the same rate to keep things where they are.

2. Give the LB cannons their dual ammo feature they're supposed to have. However, in the IS case you probably need to have LB-10x slug ammo do less damage than a regular AC-10 so we don't invalidate that weapon.

#2 Burktross


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Posted 17 February 2015 - 05:40 AM

For 1 less ton, I think 9 damage is agreeable, if anything.

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