DarthPeanut, on 19 February 2015 - 06:06 AM, said:
One suggestion on your build... you could crit pad your side torsos a little more by switching to 1/2 ton gauss ammo.
Darth is right. Splitting the gauss rounds up into 1/2 ton pieces, and lining your side torsos with them is always a good idea if you have the slots available. It give you more chances to only lose a half ton of non-volatile ammo instead of an engine.
I never understood why people put jump jets in the legs for that reason. They don't blow up like ammo, right? Plus, you can lose the leg, taking the jump jet with it, and possible mobility that you might still have with additional jump jets.
Here's a slight modification... I'll have to try this build too!
Edited by Greenjulius, 19 February 2015 - 07:02 AM.